Nifty makes significant gains on positive PMI, GDP data #Nifty #PMI #GDP #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #GDP #pmi #Nifty
India's GDP growth towers over several economies, says chief economic adviser #India #GDP #socialnewsxyz
RBI retains repo rate at 6.5%, GDP projected at 6.5% (Ld) #RBI # #GDP #Ld #socialnewsxyz
‘Magnificent 7’ stocks make up close to $ 11 trillion in market capitalisation, half of US GDP #‘Magnificent’ #GDP #socialnewsxyz
Economic, political, #ClimateChange, etc. implications, as #population & #GDP redistributes—
"...12 states in the Southeast including Texas collectively added 33 more congressional seats, roughly the same number that the Northeast and Midwest each lost over the same [five decades]...
...Southerners now chair 11 of the 21 most important committees in the US House..."
Census Bureau release:
#economics #politics @economics
#climatechange #population #GDP #economics #politics
UK economy in growth ‘doom loop’ after decades of underinvestment | Economic growth (GDP) | The Guardian
#UKeconomy #doomloop #UnderInvestment #GDP #InstituteForPublicPolicyResearch #oecd #g7 #ippr
#Brexit has failed, we all agree, the evidence is clear, #GDP, #foodbanks, bottom of growth tables, possible extinction of UK auto industry, #NHS woes, science research reducing, more chemically treated food, increased regulations crippling UK etc. #Farage's remedy - more Brexit, more isolationalism. We can all agree that's crazy. We must get closer to the EU to punch our full weight in the world. #RejoinEU #BrexitReality
#brexit #GDP #foodbanks #nhs #farage #RejoinEU #brexitreality
I accept many regard #lauraK as a tory puppet - but the graph on this piece is pretty instructive... #UK trails everyone on #GDP
in 1997 >60% of on middle incomes between 25 & 35 owned their own homes. 20 years later, that figure is just over 20%
Can anyone tell me - why would anyone vote #toriesOut?
Top Quantum Spenders Based on GDP — List Offers Surprising Changes in Leadership Status #National #Canada #china #france #GDP #Germany #gross_domestic_product #israel #Netherlands #quantum_investing #quantum_leaders #Quantum_spending #UK #United_Kingdom #quantumdaily The United States and China are often linked as the two well-funded giants of national efforts to tap the power of quantum, while the rest of the world’s quantum leaders lag deep back in the
#National #Canada #china #france #GDP #Germany #gross_domestic_product #israel #Netherlands #quantum_investing #quantum_leaders #Quantum_spending #UK #United_Kingdom #quantumdaily
[23/02/24 16:45] - ysconsultingt:twitter:
4月にも6千元現金給付、経済成長0.3ポイント貢献(トップニュース)/台湾 - ワイズコンサルティング@台湾
#現金給付 #6000元 #GDP #経済効果 #定期券 #観光客誘致… #pom
#現金給付 #6000元 #GDP #経済効果 #定期券 #観光客誘致 #pom
#GDP #debt #work #CorporateGreed #government #poverty
Debt, bad; work, good: ‘pub bore’ beliefs that seal a miserable fate for the poorest
#GDP #debt #work #CorporateGreed #government #poverty
Annual #GDP in #Australia - output recovery after #COVID
#GDP #australia #covid #ausecon #auspol
In #Australia the YoY growth in #GDP is quite a noisy series. In these charts I was aiming to get a sense of the longer-term trends. #ausecon #auspol
#australia #GDP #ausecon #auspol
My views on the #Philippines and its economic outlook right before its #GDP was announced today ending 2022 with a bang: 7.6%! poll position in Asia, probably globally!
The problem with Gross Domestic Product is the "gross" part. It fails to subtract the destruction either of man-made capital or environmental capital. When a hurricane blows down houses and erodes beaches, GDP, absurdly, goes UP, not down as any sensible net measure would. In this great article, NYT's @lydiadepillis introduces the latest efforts to supplement GDP with more sensible measures. #economy #GDP #environment #growth
#economy #GDP #environment #growth
UK avoiding a technical #recession, not broader economic malaise -- Friday’s ONS #GDP figures are far from reassuring, despite a growth of 0.1% in November, and it is clear that the UK #economy is still struggling to gain momentum.
We MUST force the right wing jingoist media to talk of the realities of the #Brexit disaster, the damage to UK is becoming dangerous. #OBR estimates 4% #GDP reduction. #KeirStarmer, don't play the brexiteer #liars game, smoke them OUT. #RejoinEU #SunacOut #ToryCorruption
#brexit #obr #GDP #keirstarmer #liars #RejoinEU #sunacout #ToryCorruption