【 COSCUP 2023 學生社群大亂鬥,歡迎你一起來「鬥陣」!】
今年 7/29、7/30 又來到了每年一度的開源人年會!SITCON 今年和 GDSC 合作舉辦「學生社群大亂鬥」議程軌,鼓勵學生在本次盛大的年會站上耀眼的舞台與大家分享與交流!
COSCUP 2023「學生社群大亂鬥」議程軌
7/29~30 @ 國立台灣科技大學 TR214 教室
⚠️ 想要參與「學生自治之 DAO ——開放學生自治組織白皮書」工作坊的會眾,為了節省時間,請於報名表單填寫資料以利議程順利進行: https://i.sitcon.org/C2023_SDAO_Signup
#coscup2023 #學生社群大亂鬥 #sitcon #GDSC
Google 開始徵求 Google 學生開發者社群的領袖囉!! 歡迎各大專院校對 Google 技術有興趣的學生開發者們來提出申請,申請時間到六月底為止
#GDSC #GoogleDeveloperStudentClub
#GDSC #googledeveloperstudentclub
【學生社群大亂鬥 官網落成!】
【學生社群大亂鬥 官網落成!】SITCON 與 GDSC 合作的 COSCUP 2023 議程軌的官網落成啦!
想參加年會卻不知道活動的詳細資訊嗎? 或者,說到底對 COSCUP 根本還不甚了解?
SITCON 在官網為大家整理了 COSCUP 今年的資訊,包含活動介紹、入場方式及投稿辦法,希望能讓還在猶疑的各位更清楚活動內容!
另外,現在離徵稿截止的 5/22(一)還剩不到一個月,離後悔昨天沒投稿的 5/23 也剩不到一個月了!學生社群大亂鬥邀請各位來今年的 COSCUP 年會一起「鬥陣」,趕快推你身邊的朋友來投稿吧!
#coscup2023 #學生社群大亂鬥 #sitcon #GDSC
RT @gdgopen@twitter.com
¡Continuamos en el Track Mobile! 📱🥳
En estos momentos Dinorah Tovar @DDinorahtovar@twitter.com en el DevFest Latam 2022 ✨
Hey! Los Espero!
Vamos a hablar de Performance y que significa para tu app!
Vamos a entender los traces de Perfetto!
RT @gdgopen@twitter.com
Este sábado 03 de Diciembre a las 9:00 am (GMT-5), tendremos nuestro tan esperado evento "Devfest Latam 2022". 💙🌎🚀Junto a:
✅ Dinorah Tovar. @DDinorahtovar@twitter.com
✅ Gustavo Lizárraga. @lizarragadev@twitter.com
✅ Yury Camacho. @camachoyury@twitter.com
Nous étions ce weekend au #GDGSummit à Paris. L'occasion de retrouver les autres acteurs #GDG #GDE #WomenTechmakers et #GDSC pour réfléchir à l'amélioration de nos événements 😃. Un grand merci à toute la team #Google pour l'organisation 🙏👏!
#GDGSummit #GDG #GDE #WomenTechMakers #GDSC #google
🤩 We love this! Thanks for supporting Google #DeveloperStudentClubs, Pragya!
✨ Learn more about how you can get involved with GDSC here →
Pragya Srivastava: I love making infographics!✨They make me so happy and creative 🤍
#Infographic #designthinking #gdsc #ppt #presentation
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1564599047217942532
#DeveloperStudentClubs #Infographic #designthinking #GDSC #PPT #presentation
💵🔍 Growing up in Northern Pakistan, #GDSC Lead @AhsanAmanHunzai often saw shopkeepers in his community become victims of counterfeit currency.
Learn how he used @TensorFlow and @AndroidDev to build an app to help users spot counterfeit money ↓
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1563212564599033857
Re Welcome! We’re so excited to have you as a #GDSC Lead! 🤩
Kagwe Kagunyi: I am very happy to be announced as the Lead for the Google Developer Student Club for Kenyatta University @DscKenyatta .
I thank God for this opportunity to lead a community of developers.
I thank @KiambatiMaxwel, @Abraham_Ngugi01 , @Ronnie_Leon_ for being there for me.
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1562203645604573185
Re Congrats, Cynthia! It’s going to be a fantastic year for you and your community!
Cynthia: I'm thrilled to take up the mantle as the GDSC lead - SPU. Special thanks to @larymak1 for being an exceptional lead this past year. I hope that just as my predecessor, I will foster growth and inclusivity within the club
#Google #gdsc
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1562203534166089729
Re We’re so lucky to have you, Khushi! Congrats on becoming a #GDSC Lead. We can’t wait to see what you accomplish this year!
Khushi Panwar: Hi Connections👋
I'm glad to share that I've been selected as the Tech Lead of Google Developers Student Club of SRCAS-W, University of Delhi for the session 2022-23.✨
I would like to thank our GDSC Lead @anjali_kundliya & @gdsc_srcasw for this opportunity!😊❤️
#gdsc #srcasw
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1562203429681868800
Re You’re going to be a fantastic #GDSC Lead, Elishah. We’re thrilled to have you joining us! 🥳
Elishah Yousaf: I am delighted😊to announce that I have been selected as the GDSC Lead at my university for the 22-2023 cohort.
Thanks to Umer Yasin RAJA AHMED Sharjeel Yunus Adil Shehzad Zeeshan Ali Sumama Zaeem 🌩 for guiding me.
#gdsclead #gdsc #googleads #googledeveloperstudentclubs
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1562203232088182784
#GDSC #GDSCLead #googleads #googledeveloperstudentclubs
Let’s give a warm welcome to India’s newest Google #DeveloperStudentClubs Leads! 🥳
Hundreds of #GDSC Leads met in-person and online for the Class of 2022-2023 onboarding event.
It’s going to be an amazing year and we can’t wait to see what you achieve! 🎉
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1559715299305340942
🤩 The Taiwan GDSC Leads Summit was amaaazing!
24 #GDSC Leads met up at the Google offices in Taipei earlier this year for networking, learning from Googlers, and some pretty spectacular views! 🌃
Learn more about Google #DeveloperStudentClubs →
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1557520490624737280
We’re so proud of all of our graduating Google #DeveloperStudentClubs Leads! 🎓🎉
These student leaders made an invaluable impact on student devs at their universities this year, and we’re beyond grateful.
Find out more about #GDSC here →
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1555282535596400643
Re @rahulkhinchi_7 You’re going to be a fantastic #GDSC Lead, Rahul. We’re thrilled to have you joining us! 🥳
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1549567271399555074
Re @ayushaakar @nayyhah Welcome, Ayusha! We’re so excited to have you as a #GDSC Lead! 🤩
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1549560010220351493
Re Cheers to you, Aniket! Thank you for working so hard to support your community as a #GDSC Lead. We’re so grateful for your dedication! ❤️
Aniket Kumar Sinha (He/Him): Finally, the incredible GDSC journey ended with today's awesome Farewell Party❤️
Special thanks @Nikkitagandhi, @AnanyaR15, and Tanvi for this fun day.
It was a great experience meeting all the leads IRL and interacting with them.
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1546900619289583622
Re 🤩 We’re inspired by your journey as #GDSC Lead! Congratulations, and thank you for all you’ve done for @gdsc_uiet_kuk!
Hritik Khurana 🚀: Finally signing off as #GDSC Lead 2021-22 🎓, @gdsc_uiet_kuk
It was the wonderful experience with lots of learning. Thanks to @googledevs and my core team members for all support and a memorable experience !
It was never a smooth journey , but yet it was the great one !
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1546900615955202048
Re Your hard work has meant so much to so many students. Thank you for all you’ve accomplished as a #GDSC Lead! 🎓
Harsh Chhabra: I am delighted to share that I have successfully completed the GDSC Lead tenure of one year.
It's a great experience of starting the official @googledevs Student Clubs chapter in my college @NITKKRAA.
#gdsc #developercommunity #googledevlibrary
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/googledevs/status/1546900613010784262
#GDSC #DeveloperCommunity #GoogleDevLibrary