Go raibh míle maith agaibh!
Thanks to the 16,310 voters who placed their faith in me - I’ll not let you down. It’s time to have a government committed to delivering a better, fairer, United Ireland!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/mattcarthy/status/1226649297002913798
[2020-02-09 23:29 UTC]
Go raibh míle maith agaibh!
Thanks to the 16,310 voters who placed their faith in me - I’ll not let you down. It’s time to have a government committed to delivering a better, fairer, United Ireland!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/mattcarthy/status/1226649297002913798
[2020-02-09 23:29 UTC]
Qué gracia. En las elecciones de Irlanda también andan con Venezuela para aquí, Venezuela para allá.
RT @WhispersNewsLTD@twitter.com
Fine Gael have sadly confirmed that the Venezuelan government have already been in touch to ask when Ireland wants anarchic communist style rule delivered by or should they just talk to Sinn Féin #GE2020
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WhispersNewsLTD/status/1226532456989446144
RT @bamacgabhann@twitter.com
Eamon Ryan is right, treating drugs as a criminal issue has done nothing good, it hasn't worked. The health approach works in Portugal. Why aren't we looking at what works elsewhere and trying that?
#WantGreenVoteGreen #Togh2020 #GE2020 #CBLive
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bamacgabhann/status/1221924078426214407
#WantGreenVoteGreen #Togh2020 #GE2020 #cblive