The global relationship between potential treeline elevation and temperature is well studied and understood. In our study, conducted together with @severin_irl and (, we investigated the additional effects of mass elevation, continentality and isolation on a global scale. Find out more in the open publication:

Picture caption: Realized treeline at the Canary Island La Palma, somewhere South of Piedra Llana, Eastern border of the Caldera de Taburiente National Park.

#treeline #macroecology #biogeography #GEB #globalecologyandbiogeography

Last updated 2 years ago

Stephan · @TheTraveller
304 followers · 346 posts · Server

@DrBeach I know too little (read: hardly anything) about category theory, thus the question.
But then, I would assume (guess?), that there are (true) category theory theorems that can't be proven within itself. I think that would be a connection. — I'll definitely finish rereading first, before turing to reading a *very* introductory text about category theory. 😃


Last updated 2 years ago