New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Static and dynamical signatures of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in the Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice
Francesco Ferrari, Sen Niu, Juraj Hasik, Yasir Iqbal, Didier Poilblanc, Federico Becca
SciPost Phys. 14, 139 (2023)
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New #openaccess publication #SciPost #physics
Formation of CuO2 sublattices by suppression of interlattice correlations in tetragonal CuO
Max Bramberger, Benjamin Bacq-Labreuil, Martin Grundner, Silke Biermann, Ulrich Schollwöck, Sebastian Paeckel, Benjamin Lenz
SciPost Phys. 14, 010 (2023)
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#openaccess #SciPost #physics #MCQST #CPHT #LundUniversity #CollègedeFrance #ETSF #Sorbonne #BayFrance #GENCI #PolytechniqueParis