Join a union! #Solidarity with ALL striking workers. You all deserve better than the current cabal occupying Downing St.
Let’s ensure they are wiped from power for at least a generation! General Election, now! #GEnow
The Chancellor kept saying 'This Conservative Government' during his wittering. If I were him, I would keep quiet about that. The brand's pretty toxic.
#GEnow #GeneralElectionNow #ohwhatastateofaffairs
Well I for one am fuc*ing shocked, this might be one the most unpredictable things in history. Who among us would have guessed this. I’ve actually run out of sarcasm for them now, remember the good old days when the tories stole our money and took the piss but discreetly? #tory #toryscum #tories #ToriesOut #GEnow #news #rishisunak #Sunak #SunakOut #politics #ukpolitics #nhs #strikes #strikes #costofliving #inflation #wages #nurses #doctors #health #rail #LevellingUp #ToryCorruption
#tory #toryscum #tories #ToriesOut #GEnow #news #rishisunak #Sunak #SunakOut #politics #ukpolitics #nhs #strikes #costofliving #inflation #wages #nurses #doctors #health #rail #LevellingUp #ToryCorruption
Well I for one am fuc*ing shocked, this might be one the most unpredictable things in history. Who among us would have guessed this. I’ve actually run out of sarcasm for them now, remember the good old days when the tories stole our money abd took the piss but discreetly?
#tory #toryscum #tories #ToriesOut #GEnow #news #rishisunak #Sunak #SunakOut #politics #ukpolitics #nhs #strikes #strikes #costofliving #inflation #wages #nurses #doctors #health #rail #LevellingUp #torycorrution
#tory #toryscum #tories #ToriesOut #GEnow #news #rishisunak #Sunak #SunakOut #politics #ukpolitics #nhs #strikes #costofliving #inflation #wages #nurses #doctors #health #rail #LevellingUp #torycorrution
What happened to the 'integrity' promised would be at the heart of his government? Zahawi resign! #EnoughlsEnough #ToryCorruption #ToryCriminals #ToryTaxEvasion #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesOut #GENow
#EnoughlsEnough #ToryCorruption #ToryCriminals #torytaxevasion #toriesdestroyingourcountry #ToriesOut #GEnow
Totally agree. I don't care if it's a Tory trying to get the job of paperclip monitor - they would get that role over my dead body. They are not fit for any position of responsibility. #GTTO #GENow
Someone has predicted the possible outcome of a GE if held now; but with proposed boundary changes.
This seems to be a substantially amount more accurate than the forecasts based on national trends
Slowly but surely @reformparty_uk is making great strides . Third equal with LD #GEnow
RT @electpoliticsuk: Westminster Voting Intention:
LAB: 47% (-1)
CON: 22% (-3)
LDM: 9% (=)
REF: 9% (+4)
GRN: 5% (=)
SNP: 4% (=)
Via @YouGov, On 29-30 November,
Changes w/ 22-23 November.
For years, the Tories sold the dream of European standard public services with American rates of taxes.
Instead we have American standard public services with European rates of taxes.
Time to kick the Tories out!
Figures from @reformparty_uk show 4,534 new members have joined in the last two weeks. Many are former Tories. 33% are from the party's traditional heartlands in the south east and south west of England. A further 8% are from London and 11% from Eastern England #GEnow 🗳️
RT @zoenicholson4: Whilst Tory govt omnishambles goes on, @TrussellTrust says half a million children are going hungry and food bank demand 46% ahead of ‘worst winter yet. It’s time to focus on those in desperate need! Clinging onto power is negligent. #GEnow