my brother’s latest comic is on this week’s #PrivateEye (nr. 1590) #histodons #librarydon #GLAModons
#PrivateEye #histodons #librarydon #GLAModons
This article, kindly shared via @clareifications , is immensely exciting, on "a crip provenance, which meets records where they are at and acknowledges all of the new connections and relations that are created because records are dispersed, duplicated, and partial." 💜💜💜
#criptheory #disabilitystudies #GLAModons #histodons
I'm on this week's Archive Fever podcast talking about history and disability. Deep gratitude to Yves Rees and Clare Wright for their generosity and willingness to endure my nervousness:
We referred to @bluntshovels 's wonderful essay and to André Brett's and my piece from last year as well as my book on Milton Keynes
#GLAModons #DisabilityScholar #disabilitystudies #histodons
Seeing lots of hashtags describing groups with shared interests in the mammoth vein.
I hereby offer up
#GLAModons for galleries, libraries, archives, museums
#Catalogodons for metadata wranglers