Nach einer langen Arbeitswoche #ausgründen heute Nacht im ICE 949 nach #Potsdam, zum #glamwiki Event mit dem #Barberini … Hier im #unperfekthaus #essen_ruhr perfekter Ort zum Chillen mit Milchkaffee, bis es losgeht. Zwei Tische weiter liest Dirk Osygus online aus seinem #Wuppertal-Krimi.. Fühlt sich wie an wie der richtige Einstieg in ein cooles #wikipedia / #wikimedia Wochenende …
#ausgrunden #potsdam #GLAMwiki #Barberini #unperfekthaus #essen_ruhr #wuppertal #wikipedia #Wikimedia
@wikimediaitalia Gli studenti del conservatorio hanno anche fatto un gran lavoro di scrittura di voci legate alla lirica su #Wikipedia :wikipedia: (dal Großes Sängerlexikon all'opera Paolo e Francesca di Mancinelli), un ottimo risultato su voci specialistiche. #GLAMwiki
RT @xaviercailleau
Venez voir @Wikimedia_Fr au @salonsitem stand F21 !
Nous serons heureux d'échanger avec vous sur la place de #Wikipedia ou #Wikidata dans le quotidien numérique d'un #musée et sur le tout nouveau #Label Culture Libre !
#sitem #museum #glamwiki #openglam
#wikipedia #Wikidata #musee #label #sitem #museum #GLAMwiki #openglam
@luis_in_brief @mhoye @NASA Having a NASA Wikimedian in residence would be a great thing! Alas, none right now. #Wikipedia #Wikimedia #GLAMwiki
#wikipedia #wikimedia #GLAMwiki
upload is currently running, will be 3000+ photos here when it's done: #Greenland #GLAMwiki
fantastic Greenland photos being uploaded to WikiCommons by Tekniska museet! #GLAMwiki
fint reportage om arbetet vi, Kvinnohistoriska och Wikimedia Sverige gör kring kvinnliga arkitekter på Wikipedia: #glamwiki
Linked right now on the front page of English Wikipedia, an article about the ground-breaking 2012 exhibition "Hajj: Journey to the Heart of Islam" illustrated with images shared by #GLAMWiki #OpenGLAM
@siobhan_leachman What a great idea and tribute to Effie and the work she furthered with the Smithsonian and #Wikipedia #wikidata #Wikimedia #OpenGLAM #GLAMwiki
#wikipedia #Wikidata #wikimedia #openglam #GLAMwiki
@watty62 Now this one ChatGPT didn't quite get right but this is a *hard* one, as many #GLAM professionals would not be able to answer this correctly. It's OK on the PD/CC license of the photo, but not regarding the copyright of the statue itself. Uploading a photo of a random statue to #wikipedia is non-trivial. #ChatGPT #OpenAI #Wikimedia #wikicommons #OpenGLAM #GLAMwiki
#glam #wikipedia #chatgpt #openai #wikimedia #wikicommons #openglam #GLAMwiki
@heroicendeavour Definitely agree! I also talked about the evolution of knowledge contribution, collaboration, and co-creation with #Wikidata at the Met Museum for my MCN talk in 2020 #Wikipedia #Wikimedia #GLAMwiki #OpenGLAM #openknowledge
#Wikidata #wikipedia #wikimedia #GLAMwiki #openglam #openknowledge
RT @Wikimedia_Fr
Une récente délibération de la @VilledeReims confirme la politique d'ouverture des collections culturelles et patrimoniales de #Reims. Depuis 2020, +15 000 images HD du musée numérique sont librement utilisables. #OpenContent #GlamWiki
Want to see the first televised English-language news story about #Wikipedia? According to Jimmy Wales, this 2003 CNN story was the first televised news item he saw about Wikipedia on American TV.
It also happens to be about my university class where 80 students edited Wikipedia articles about Hong Kong, the first classroom assignment of its kind in a college setting.
#Wikipedia #Wikimedia #WikiEducation #GLAMwiki #education #highered
#wikipedia #wikimedia #wikieducation #GLAMwiki #education #highered
Nice Inside Higher Ed piece to counter the mythology that professors ban the use of #Wikipedia.
"Professors who incorporate Wikipedia-editing assignments into coursework enhance their students’ digital literacy skills while broadening their own roles—from educating college students to educating society."
#Wikipedia #Wikimedia #WikiEducation #GLAMwiki #education #highered
#wikipedia #wikimedia #wikieducation #GLAMwiki #education #highered
@brion [[Fashion in Star Trek]] would combine topics at the very far ends of the #Wikipedia activity spectrum - sci-fi and fandom being highly overrepresented, and fashion and the arts being very underrepresented. I'm hyper-curious to see what would happen for that reason alone. #startrek #editathon #GLAMwiki #scifi
#wikipedia #startrek #editathon #GLAMwiki #scifi
Hi there! #introduction I'm Sandra, Belgian in the Netherlands, art historian working on digital projects in the cultural sector. These days I mainly do #Wikimedia #GLAMwiki projects with a focus on #multimedia, #Wikidata and structured data. Big proponent of #opendata and #commons projects, very interested in long-term #sustainability and #resilience of underrepresented / underfunded online knowledge. In the last year I also worked with #OpenRefine.
#introduction #wikimedia #GLAMwiki #multimedia #wikidata #opendata #commons #sustainability #resilience #openrefine
自 2018 年李梅樹紀念館專案再到 2020 年與新樂園藝術空間的合作,臺灣的 Wikidata 發展與藝術一直都有密不可分的關係。
Wikidata 作為一個鏈結開放資料(Linked Open Data)資料庫,其優越的機讀性以及知識圖譜、資料偶遇等特性,使得 Wikidata 早已在歐美地區受到 GLAM (Gallery、Libary、Archive&Musuem)機構的青睞,並作為網站或是開放資料建置的其中一環。
本次 2022 維基數據跨領域論壇 特別邀請到 施登騰 老師,以 GLAM 機構的 OpenGLAM 策略切入,再去延伸思考在資料開放之後我們能用什麼樣的思維去設計後續的發展策略,精彩講座千萬不要錯過!
講者:中國科技大學室內設計系 副教授 施登騰
#wikidata #wikidatabirthday #資料轉譯 #數位典藏 #施登騰 #GLAM #OpenGLAM #GLAMwiki
#GLAMwiki #openglam #glam #施登騰 #數位典藏 #資料轉譯 #WikidataBirthday #wikidata
Ein inspirierender Abend mit vielen Ansatzpunkten für Denken und Handeln im Kontext #glamwiki