@forgefriends #ForgeFederation monthly update is 🗓️ October 22nd 5pm UTC+2 and open to everyone.
* Software Development
* Collaboration with #Gna, #Forgefed & #Gitea
* Transparency and funding
#gitea #forgefed #GNA #ForgeFederation
@csdummi @rysiek@mastodon.technology @atomicpoet There is a cognitive dissonance when a federated service is governed in a centralized manner.
This is why I would love to see service instances governed by democratic or any kind of non-centralized way.
This is why the #Gna collective was created to be horizontal. It intends to provide federated forges maintained by a horizontal group of people and cooperative.
@forgefriends #ForgeFederation monthly update is 🗓️ September 24th 5pm UTC+2 and open to everyone.
* Software Development
* Collaboration with #Gna, #Forgefed & #Gitea
* Transparency and funding
#gitea #forgefed #GNA #ForgeFederation
Libia: la crisi di Haftar e i possibili scenari https://radioblackout.org/2020/05/libia-la-crisi-di-haftar-e-i-possibili-scenari/ #L'informazionediBlackout #AlSarraj #blackout #migranti #guerra #haftar #libia #info #news #gna #lna
#l #alsarraj #blackout #migranti #guerra #haftar #libia #info #news #GNA #lna