I did too much manual labor the last two days. It was good exercise, but my body is on strike #today
Y'all. I napped SO HARD. 😴 It was amazing.
#CurrentlyReading my way through the #Discworld books again. I'm up to #WeeFreeMen now!
#today #currentlyReading #discworld #weefreemen #terryprattchet #nacmacfeegle #GNUTerry
Oh Gods, the "I'm a... seamstress" scene in #GoodOmens2 had me in stitches. It's just as #GNUTerry would have written it!
>>Als sie durch das staubige Durcheinander aus Fluren und Korridoren gingen, dachte Oma Wetterwachs nicht zum ersten Mal darüber nach, dass Nanny über eine ganz persönliche Art von Magie verfügte.
Sie 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘵 keine neue Szene, sondern 𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘮𝘦𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘵𝘦 sich hinein. Ihr natürliches Talent für Sympathie hatte sie zu einer okkulten Wissenschaft weiterentwickelt. [...] /1
"Was meine Größe angeht, habe ich Sie belogen, Frau Ogg. Ich bin ein weltberühmter Lügner."
"Ist das wahr?"
"Und dass Sie der beste Liebhaber der Welt sind, war das auch gelogen?"
Casanunda verfiel in längeres Schweigen."
"Na schön, vielleicht bin ich in Wahrheit nur die Nummer zwei", sagte er schließlich. "Aber dafür gebe ich mir mehr Mühe."
Total verhext
Terry Pratchett
"Du weißt doch, was beim letzten Mal passiert ist! Drei Tage lang blieb das arme Tier einseitig gelähmt, und wir konnten es nicht vom Dach runterholen!" Herr Skindel öffnete vorsichtig die Tür und sah hinaus. Es war still geworden- viel zu still.
"Wahrscheinlich füllt sie die Wanne gerade mit Wasser", spekulierte er. "Du hast noch ein oder zwei Minuten Zeit ", sagte Fra Skindel. "Wenn du jetzt nicht gehst, müssen wir wochenlang Joghurt trinken."
Lords und Ladies
Terry Pratchett #GNUTerry
"Genau an dieser Stelle verstehst du alles falsch", entgegnete Oma. "Das Schicksal ist wichtig, aber die Leute irren sich, wenn sie glauben, es kontrolliere sie. In Wirklichkeit verhält es sich genau umgekehrt. "
"Das Schicksal kann uns mal ", stimmte ihr Nanny zu.
Mac Best (Wyrd Sisters)
Terry Pratchett #GNUTerry
Wow! Seems so long ago now. So much has happened but 4-years ago today was the European Premier of #TrollBridge in Llanelli. #GNUTerry #Pratchett A man is not dead while his name is still spoken /cc @DiscworldMonthly
#trollbridge #GNUTerry #pratchett
Happy 25th of May to all who celebrate. #DontPanic and remember your towel. And never forget all the little angels of the Treacle Mine Road.
#dontpanic #hgttg #discworld #douglasadams #GNUTerry
#Discworld sleeve coming along. Still a long way to go. @rhipratchett I told you I had his face tattooed on me!
It warms my heart to see #TerryPratchett quoted in #civilization6. #GNUTerry
#GNUTerry #civilization6 #terrypratchett
#GoingPostal movie thread 1/?????
Beautiful A'Tuin innit? 🐢 The clacks are lovely too.
#goingpostal #TheTurtleMoves #GNUTerry
🚨2 MINUTES 🚨 until I hit play on #GoingPostal part 1, a fun mini-series based on the #book by #TerryPratchett
Mute the hashtag #GoingPostal for a while if you're not interested in my nonsense.
#JoinIn if you are interested in my nonsense!
American #Streaming Options:
No Ads, with subscription: #AmazonPrime #Peacock
Free, with ads: #RokuChannel #Pluto #Filmrise #Freevee
(Special invitation to #Monsterdon fans)
#Discworld #LiveToot #WatchParty
#goingpostal #book #terrypratchett #joinin #streaming #AmazonPrime #peacock #rokuchannel #pluto #filmrise #Freevee #Monsterdon #discworld #livetoot #watchparty #GNUTerry
Just started reading 'Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes' by Rob Wilkins.
The story of Terry's early library days ... it's so close to home that it aches.
What I wouldn't give to talk to Terry and tell him I wrote a book. To try and explain the part he played in that.
My heart. No words.
Still. At least I got to meet him a few times. Here's the inside of the first book I got him to sign.
#terrypratchett #GNUTerry #discworld #BookToot #booklove
"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it." Terry Pratchett
#quotes #gnuterry #pratchett
Edited to fix hashtag
Sad news about Terry Hall. Requiescat in Pacem. #GNUTerry https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/dec/19/terry-hall-lead-singer-of-the-specials-dies-aged-63
“If you trust in yourself…and believe in your dreams…and follow your star…you’ll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren’t so lazy.” (The Wee Free Men - Terry Pratchett) #Discworld #GNUTerry
I came across this rather accurate #quote from Terry Pratchett's "Men at Arms" #Discworld novel again:
«The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.
Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles.
But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that’d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years’ time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.
This was the Captain Samuel Vimes ‘Boots’ theory of socioeconomic unfairness.»"
#quotes #socioEconomics #SamVimes #BootsTheory #MenAtArms #TerryPratchett #GNUTerry
#quote #discworld #quotes #socioEconomics #SamVimes #BootsTheory #menatarms #terrypratchett #GNUTerry
#Vetinari gets his name from the #Medici, real life city state rulers. Vet. Medic.
From the same topic:
#Pseudopolis Yard is where the pseudo-police of the Disc meet.
I've always taken this to imply pseudo city, or fake city.
and finally:
Also along those lines: Uberwald is a combination of two German words, "Uber" meaning around/across (in a sense) and "Wald" meaning forest.
If you roughly translate those words to Latin, you get "Trans" and "Sylvania". That one took me a while.
#TerryPratchett #GNUTerry #etymology #fiction #writing #puns #pun #wordplay
#discworld #todayilearned #vetinari #Medici #Pseudopolis #terrypratchett #GNUTerry #etymology #fiction #writing #puns #pun #wordplay