See how they rise up... Wishing you all Truth, Justice, Freedom, Reasonably Priced Love, and a Hard Boiled Egg.
#GNUTerryPratchet #NightWatch
When you just want to read to your kid but Sir Terry comes for you hard.
Stayed up later than I should have to finish one of the few #Discworld stories i haven't read yet, Making Money.
I think I read it too fast, because I kept missing plot points or remembering what characters did what (and in my defence, the last third of the book hoofs along at a great pace. If it was a mail coach, it would arrive in Uberwald by noon.)
Only one thing for it. Back to Page One for a re-read.
@Myoldpiano @RamenCatholic AS algorithm also knows me well just in case any of the #GNUTerryPratchet fans on the #GoingPostal #LiveToot experience are unaware some fans grouped together to do pTerry's short story Trollbridge ⤵️ when I say fans some of them may well have other film experience😜 it was very well done took a while but a great result.
#GNUTerryPratchet #goingpostal #livetoot
Not sure I would have caught this anniversary on the bird site, even though I recently started a reread of the #Discworld books. (Just finished Eric last night.) #TerryPratchett left us an amazing series of books that starts great and quickly gets better, smarter, funnier, and more impactful.
That’s not to mention his other work, including my favorite, his partnership with @neilhimself, Good Omens.
Gone but never forgotten, #GNUTerryPratchet
#discworld #terrypratchett #GNUTerryPratchet
Nice #GNUTerryPratchet related answer in today's #Quordle
@timtfj Only a cameo appearance for Ponder. But very well worth reading. And the origin of #GNUTerryPratchet
@patrick @daibhidc you are, indeed, correct! I am very pleased! #GNUTerryPratchet