This was a slam dunk; Navarro's "defense" was basically that he might have inadvertently forgotten to appear. #FuckPeteNavarro #GOPLiars
Trump Adviser Peter Navarro Was Convicted, Really Fast, of Contempt of Congress
#GOPLiars #DeSantis #Florida
DeSantis office busted for lying about meet-up with Biden to survey hurricane damage
A fucking United States senator.
#MarshaBlackburn #GOPStupid #GOPLiars #VoteBlue
#VoteBlue #GOPLiars #gopstupid #marshablackburn
You truly can’t make this stuff up. #RepublicansSuck #NoRepublicans #GOPLiars
Republican senators ridiculed by MSNBC hosts for complaining about Garland doing exactly what they asked
#GOPLiars #norepublicans #RepublicansSuck
Liar, liar!
#PenceLies #PenceIsALiar #NeverMikePence #GOPLiars
Mike Pence "doesn't recall" if he was told about plans to overturn 2020 election results
#GOPLiars #nevermikepence #penceisaliar #pencelies
And Jesus said: "Fuck up those who are less fortunate."
#GOPLiars #GOPSociopaths #EndTheGOP #VoteBlue
House Republicans invoke Bible defending Greg Abbott’s 'barbaric' razor wire and circular saw buoys
#VoteBlue #endthegop #gopsociopaths #GOPLiars
I'm no Joe Manchin fan, but...
#GOPLiars #DontTrustGOP #VoteBlueForFreedom
Senate Republicans’ ad falsely claims Democrats voted to disarm disabled veterans
#voteblueforfreedom #donttrustgop #GOPLiars
It appear that 99.9% of Americans doubt #GOP claims that enslaved people reaped the benefits of their enslavement. So Tom Cotton would like to welcome you to his MasterClass. #Slavery #GOPLiars #GOPTraitors #Racism #TomCotton #VoteBlueForFreedom #EndTheGOP
#endthegop #voteblueforfreedom #tomcotton #Racism #goptraitors #GOPLiars #slavery #gop
Tommy Stupidville strikes again! Who voted for this guy?!? #GOPIdiots #GOPLiars #TommyStupidville #Alabama
Tommy Tuberville Celebrates Broadband Funding He Voted Against
#alabama #tommystupidville #GOPLiars #gopidiots
Ha ha! I collude with Russia, attempt to withhold defense systems from Ukraine unless Zelenskyy gets me dirt on Sleepy Joe, and the guy who holds me accountable is censured by the House GOP. I'm so glad that not a single one of them has the integrity or the backbone to stand up to me. Believe me.
#SpinelessHouseGOP #GOPLiars
Not calling liars liars is perilous to democracy. #NPR #GOPLiars
Not Nearly Enough Fucking Things Considered.
@pbump do people really believe him when he says this? I mean come on…. #GreatestConMan #NeverGonnaChange #GOPLiars
#greatestconman #nevergonnachange #GOPLiars
Barr: GOP spouting ‘big lies’ comparing Trump handling of classified documents to previous presidents #GOPLiars #TrumpEspionage #GOP #LindseyGraham #GymJordan
#gymjordan #lindseygraham #gop #trumpespionage #GOPLiars
The Republican Party, controlled by House MAGAts, is hopelessly lost. All we can do is try to neutralize them. #GOPTraitors #GOPLiars #GOPFrauds #EndTheGOP
House Republicans Rally Behind Trump, Adopting His False Narrative About the Indictment | GIFT LINK | 09-JUN-2023
#endthegop #gopfrauds #GOPLiars #goptraitors
Gym Jordan is a traitor. #GOPTraitors #GymJordan #AlvinBragg #GOP #GOPLiars #GOPCowards
Jordan, GOP ask DOJ to turn over details on FBI’s role in Trump investigation 02-JUN-2023
#gopcowards #GOPLiars #gop #AlvinBragg #gymjordan #goptraitors
Mullin claimed he only paid himself a $50,000 salary and "invested every penny" into his business. But he'd reported his private-sector salary at $92,000, with another $200,000 in income. #MarkwayneMullin #GOPLiars
Senator Markwayne Mullin ran a multimillion-dollar plumbing business and claimed he only took a $50,000
salary. His financial statements show otherwise. 09-MAR-2023
In honor of Trump blasting Kaleigh McEnany. LOL.
#KayleighMcEnany #GOPLiars #gopgrifters
Gym Jordan is a pathetic, feckless cunt.
#IndictGymJordan #GOPTraitors #JimJordan #GOPLiars #VoteBlue
'Nothing is off the table': Jim Jordan threatens Hillary Clinton probe in Fox News meltdown
#VoteBlue #GOPLiars #jimjordan #goptraitors #indictgymjordan
#GOPTraitors #GOPLiars #GOPTerrorists #DebtLimit #Extortion #VoteBlueIfYouWantCredit
Biden Says He’s Blameless If U.S. Defaults
President Biden said he would be blameless if the U.S. defaults on its debt in the coming days, Fox News reports.
Said Biden: “I’ve done my part. It’s time for the other side to move their team positions because much of what they were proposed is simply quite frankly, unacceptable.”
#voteblueifyouwantcredit #extortion #DebtLimit #GOPTerrorists #GOPLiars #goptraitors
Where there are Republicans, there are lies.
#GOP #GOPLiars #VoteBlueIfYouHateLiars
Senate Candidate ‘Patriot Whistleblower’ Admits to Fabricating Sex Trafficking Story
#voteblueifyouhateliars #GOPLiars #gop