Republicans take over the House - and promptly vote to raise the deficit and excuse wealthy tax cheats!!
#GOPTaxScams #TaxTheRich
House Republicans Vote to Rescind I.R.S. Funding
#demsgovernrepsplunder #GOPTaxScams #taxtherich
No matter how much $$ #GOPTaxScams #DonTheCon gives away, or how deep he sinks the deficit, it'll never be enough #CorporateWelfare for his rich, elitist friends.
How's that 300+ stack of House Bills on Mitch's desk doin? GOP too busy runnin' scams.
No matter what you give to the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, it will never be enough!
#TrumpLiesEverytimeHeSpeaks #corporatewelfare #donthecon #GOPTaxScams
Citizens hungry, homeless, dying but "pro-life" GOP wants to cut #SNAP #FoodStamps ? WTF?
#DumpTrump #GOPTaxScams
NO MORE #CorporateWelfare #CorporateGovernance
#QualityOfLife #FightFor15 #MedicareForAll #ScrapTheCap #Bernie2020 #NotMeUs
#OnlyBernieBeatsTrump #TaxTheRich🔥
#taxtherich #onlyberniebeatstrump #notmeus #Bernie2020 #ScrapTheCap #MedicareForAll #fightfor15 #qualityoflife #corporategovernance #corporatewelfare #GOPTaxScams #dumptrump #foodstamps #snap