“Last week, my lil sis turned 50. …we didn't want her to go without cake on her actual birthday so we made this as a surprise.
I've been wanting to do a cake version of the Bristol Stool Scale for years.”
#bristolstoolchart #bristolstoolscale #bristolstoolchartcake #doctor #gp #doctorcake #gpcake #nhs #nhscake
#nhscake #nhs #gpcake #doctorcake #GP #doctor #bristolstoolchartcake #bristolstoolscale #bristolstoolchart
“Last week, my lil sis turned 50. …we didn't want her to go without cake on her actual birthday so we made this as a surprise.
I've been wanting to do a cake version of the Bristol Stool Scale for years.”
#bristolstoolchart #bristolstoolscale #bristolstoolchartcake #doctor #gp #doctorcake #gpcake #nhs #nhscake
#nhscake #nhs #gpcake #doctorcake #GP #doctor #bristolstoolchartcake #bristolstoolscale #bristolstoolchart
European #GP's and #nurses - have you registered yet? Don't miss #ECDC/@EACSociety/@cphiv online webinar on how to fight the #HIV/viral #Hepatitis/#STI stigma on 14 June!
Register: https://bit.ly/3WrQDuG
and exchange views, knowledge & experiences with other experts!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECDC_EU/status/1666366887796547584
#GP #nurses #ECDC #HIV #hepatitis
Are you a #GP or a nurse working in general practices?
We need you to help us fight the #HIV/viral #hepatitis/#STIs stigma!
Learn more and register for our online webinar on 14 June!
RT @ECDC_HIVAIDS: Are you working in General Practices in EU/EEA countries? Help us fight the #HIV/#ViralHepatitis/#STI stigma!
Join our webinar organised with @EACSociety & @cphiv. Don't miss the chance to meet and exchange views, experiences and knowledge!
Register: https…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECDC_EU/status/1660945555399356416
Someone spent 19-20 mins. attempting to open the key-safe. Not expecting anyone, but #Carers, #SocialWorkers, the #Police, my #GP, etc. all have the pass-code as needs be. Various of these agencies have struggled gaining entry from time to time.
Whoever entered then remained downstairs. Again not overly concerned as these folk often sort out paperwork prior to coming upstairs.
#GP #Police #socialworkers #carers
A sad reflection of our broken healthcare system and broken staff. Note to self: Try to remember this when I need an appointment with a GP and can't easily get one.
#NHS #GP's #Privatisation #Defunding #GTTO #Brexit
#Brexit #gtto #Defunding #privatisation #GP #nhs
RT @DoctorMayJay
13 years ago, when I became a #GP
My patients would wait 2-3 months to see a specialist in #ENT (ear, nose, throat)
Guess how long they wait now?
This government have destroyed our health service!
Take them to account!
#GP #ent #nhs #toriesdestroyingournhs
RT @DoctorMayJay
13 years ago, when I became a #GP
My patients would wait 2-3 months to see a specialist in #ENT (ear, nose, throat)
Guess how long they wait now?
This government have destroyed our health service!
Take them to account!
#GP #ent #nhs #toriesdestroyingournhs
2/4 - And this happens on all levels, #GP @ #NHS blocking care for #trans, #racism not taken seriously, #suggestion & #ideas from employees that want to better / optimize & are ridiculed.
src: @SaraNAhmed (lecture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j_BwPJoPTE / book: https://www.dukeupress.edu/complaint)
#GP #nhs #trans #racism #suggestion #ideas
Spending Sunday working on a draft to my #GP practice manager to kick their hide into action isn't my preferred lifestyle choice.
Malicious least effort incompetence would best describe the #NHS when it has anything to do with #trans healthcare.
If I wasn't doing HRT on my own accord I'd be punching holes in the wall they're so bad. I think it's the only thing keeping me level.
【かおりっきぃ☆&みさお】OSHIBORI 5000【絞って♡爆益!】 https://www.wacoca.com/news/1494286/
#4カドの峰 #GP #ウマ娘 #オートレース #カジノ #グランプリ #スロット #パチスロ #パチンコ #ボート #ボートレース大村 #ボートレーサー #ボートレース #ボートレース大村 #公営ギャンブル #峰竜太 #日本 #発祥地 #競艇 #競輪 #競馬 #西山貴浩 #賞金王決定戦 #長崎
#長崎 #賞金王決定戦 #西山貴浩 #競馬 #競輪 #競艇 #発祥地 #日本 #峰竜太 #公営ギャンブル #ボートレース #ボートレーサー #ボートレース大村 #ボート #パチンコ #パチスロ #スロット #グランプリ #カジノ #オートレース #ウマ娘 #GP #4カドの峰
Delighted to see that Rishi Sunak is (supposedly) getting excellent care with his private GP who charges £250 for a 30min appointment.
An NHS GP receives only £164 *per year* for each registered patient (1).
And for comparison, a GP in Germany receives on average £40-£60 per quarter for each patient treated (2). Again, less than Rishi's half-hour private appointment.
#HealthServicesResearch #GP #PrimaryCare
1: https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/nhs-payments-to-general-practice/england-2021-22
2. https://www.praktischarzt.de/arzt/hausarzt-gehalt/
#primarycare #GP #HealthServicesResearch
About time to. they are #NHS workers. #GP’s.
Labour ‘would tear up contract with GPs’ and make them salaried NHS staff https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jan/07/labour-would-tear-up-contract-with-gps-and-make-them-salaried-nhs-staff?CMP=share_btn_tw
The NHS in a Mess – WHY?
Excellent article with links to more detailed evidence on why the #NHS is in crisis, and some of the ways to address these systemic failures. #Cumbria #GP #CommunityHealth
#communityhealth #GP #cumbria #nhs
The NHS in a Mess – WHY?
Excellent article with links to more detailed evidence on why the #NHS is in crisis, and some of the ways to address these systemic failures. #Cumbria #GP #CommunityHealth
#communityhealth #GP #cumbria #nhs
Als Ersatz zum Mettkalender könnte ich ja den #MotoGP Kalender bestellen.
Ich finde die abgebildeten #GP #Motorräder aber einfach nur häßlich.
As a #pwME this’d be fab given my difficulties in e.g. accessing sufficient #hydration - ignored by #Trafford services AND #GP!
“In addition to the current approach of identifying actions and solutions, each problem is given its 4-point examination on relevant rights, obligations, risks and liabilities. All stakeholders (and their legal departments) should be involved in creating this document, and #DoctorsWithME would be happy to jointly lead the project with the DHSC.”
#pwme #hydration #trafford #GP #DoctorsWithME
Here we go!
#kwalificatierondes #laatste #GP #2022
#GP #laatste #kwalificatierondes
GLADD and The BMA collaborated to study the experiences of #LGBTdoctors in the workplace. Although the title of the document erases them, it does also include #trans experiences.
Holy shit does it paint an awful picture of what it is like to be #transinmedicine and resonates with my own experiences. It is specialty dependent - #psychiatry and #gp are marginally less horrific.
Worth a read - https://www.bma.org.uk/media/4225/bma_experience-of-lgb-doctors-and-medical-students-in-nhs-2016.pdf
#LGBTdoctors #trans #transinmedicine #psychiatry #GP