frustrating things I learned the last 2 days
#Yubikeys gpg-card default pin is 123456, admin pin is 12345678. if you enter the admin key 3 times wrong, you need to factory reset the gpg-card feature
If you use pinentry loopback (CLI-input), it wont tell you if you need to enter the user or admin pin. #gnome console doesnt work reliably with the loopback pinentry, the loopback itself is very wonky.
#rage #Frustation #smartcard #yubico #GPG #GNOME #Yubikeys
@sindarina also I'd only call something securely #E2EE'd when the user holds the #PrivateKeys!
#NotYourKeys #NotYourData
#PGP/MIME [i.e. #GPG & #OpenPGP] are the only fully #decentralized option for that.
#decentralized #openpgp #GPG #pgp #notyourkeysnotyourdata #notyourdata #notyourkeys #privatekeys #e2ee
I just fully set up #VSCodium, the #Microsoft #tracking free version of #VSCode
It works flawlessly! It is able to sign with #GPG and sign-off my commits and is full of useful utilities!
#vscodium #Microsoft #tracking #VScode #GPG #OpenSource #workflow #workstation
Now it happened the second time this year that @thunderbird just forgot my private #pgp keys. Luckily, I have a back up. Could I have used/configured it somehow wrongly (except of still using error-prone PGP for #e2ee, as some might argue)? #gpg #gnupg
@atarifrosch that would be the idea of such a mail service that blocks all unencrypted eMails.
Uii. Cool. #LibreOffice kann ein ods direkt mit #gpg-encrspted speichern. Leider ist der Dialog zur Keyauswahl etwas klunky. Aber das Feature ist cool <3
I was introduced to #gpg and #openPGP a few years ago. We used it a little at work, and I always kept it around to see how to use it more. Recently got into signing commits on #GitHub and #Codeberg . Last night figured out how to get #keyoxide working and verified a few things. I’ll see how else I can get more secure with things this year. The possibilities seem endless.
#keyoxide #Codeberg #GitHub #openpgp #GPG
@echo_pbreyer Wichtig ist: Nicht allein auf das #System vertrauen sondern systematisch die #Nichtdurchsetzbarkeit von #Cyberfaschismus erarbeiten und sich konsequent #zentralisiert|er #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider - "#Lösungen" und "#Plattformen" verweigern.
Bspw. statt #beA & #DeMail konsequent #eMail mit #GPG/MIME nutzen!
#GPG #Email #demail #bea #plattformen #losungen #SingleProvider #singlevendor #Zentralisiert #cyberfaschismus #nichtdurchsetzbarkeit #system
Und nein, nicht #Datenschutz sondern #Förderalismus-Schwachsinn und reaktionärer #Internethass bremsen aus...
Staatliche Digitalausweise und andere zentralisierte Systeme sind kritisch zu hinterfragen, da die privaten Schlüssel dann unter staatlicher Kontrolle wären.
Statt also #Govware wie #DeMail sollte man konsequent #PGP bzw. #GPG/MIME nutzen!
#GPG #pgp #demail #govware #internethass #forderalismus #datenschutz
@SheHacksPurple You probably want to avoid governments with defense and intel interests as well (#CISA and #NIST) because they likely are encouraged to recommend backdoored algorithms.
I trust the #FSF.Org . For email they recommend #GPG with 4 kbit RSA keys :
How To Encrypt And Decrypt Files Using GnuPG From Commandline In Linux #GnuPG #GPG #GNUPrivacyGuard #Linuxsecurity #Encryption #Decryption #Linuxhowto #Linuxcommands #Commandline #CLI
#CLI #commandLine #linuxcommands #linuxhowto #Decryption #encryption #linuxsecurity #GNUPrivacyGuard #GPG #GnuPG
An important part of keeping things safely locked is looking after your keys.
Ooh, sweet... appreciate the fact that #Mastodon allows me to be a bit more expressive with what I can have on my #profile Now if there was a way to add my public #GPG key without ruining the formatting. #Customization #UserChoice
#userchoice #customization #GPG #profile #Mastodon
Use GPG on Linux? Here's how to backup your keys.
Just figured out the Keyoxide verification via public key thing. For the life of me I do not understand why when I run gpg --fingerprint in my terminal, it comes back with the ID having spaces and all capital letters, neither of which should be happening. Fun stuff.
#keyoxide #gpg #pgp #headaches
#headaches #pgp #GPG #keyoxide
So, I had this great idea to encrypt my DMs using #GPG, but the character count is just too low :)
BUT... you should still check out #Mailvelope
It lets you encrypt (or sign) any text field in your browser... if it's big enough 😋
So, I had this great idea to encrypt my DMs using #GPG, but the character count is just too low :)
BUT... you should still check out #Mailvelope
It lets you encrypt (or sign) any text field in your browser... if it's big enough 😋