Yes Nolan and Paul,
Very well identified.
We believe its called #GpgMadeEasy (or #GPGME), which is a plugin for applications that are designed to boost the #userExperience, for software designed to use it.
A person on #I2P (they serve an #eepsite) has developed a more user friendly system for standard #GPG operations. Their software is available at multiple location and is hosted at the #internetArchive also.
If you search available eepsites you'll find it quickly.
#GpgMadeEasy #GPGME #userexperience #i2p #eepsite #gpg #internetarchive
Look into #GpgME, perhaps?
If this is about mitigating a potentailly hostile server (or a server that becomes controlled by an adversary), we are not sure what will stop it from serving #javascript that just reads from the textbox, though.
Have they considered #selfHosting over #I2P or Tor first.
#GPGME #javascript #selfhosting #i2p