Useful exchange with USTR @AmbassadorTai on our ongoing work on a new global sustainable arrangement for steel and aluminium #GSA.
We also discussed next steps for our Critical Minerals Agreement and priorities for the next 🇪🇺- 🇺🇸 Trade & Tech meeting in the U.S. #TTC.
Following last week's EU-U.S. Trade & Tech Council #TTC in Sweden, I met @USTradeRep @AmbassadorTai in Paris to continue discussions on:
➡️Global Sustainable Steel & Aluminium Arrangement #GSA
➡️@wto issues including reform perspectives
Discussing global steel overcapacity @oecd, which is a threat to our sector, the environment & must be tackled.
🌏 The EU is investing heavily to reduce steel’s carbon footprint. We're also negotiating a Global Steel & Aluminium Arrangement with 🇺🇸 to green these sectors #GSA.
@Geh4Peh It's exhausting, trying to bring straight people in as allies. Lately, I've been settling for them just leaving me alone, if they're not friendly. Does this make me a bad gay man? Maybe I'm just getting old and tired? I attend some all-ages groups in which the kids are #lgbtqia or in the #gsa and I feel there's hope. I wish I could feel their excitement.
380 miliard korun na příštích 7 let – to je nový vesmírný program Evropské unie. Pro Českou republiku je to obzvláště významný krok – program totiž oficiálně ustavil také Agenturu EU pro kosmický program (#EUSPA) se sídlem v Praze. #GSA