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The PCMCIA card format served the mobile industry well. From the early days of Circuit Switched Data as shown here, through HSCSD, GPRS, EDGE and even early (pre-USB dongle) 3G UMTS services. #2G #GSM #historyoftechnology
Cowboy Bebop vibes
High Speed Circuit Switched Data increased rates from 9.6kbps to a maximum of 14.4kbps per TDMA timeslot. Some networks launched 4 slot service but 2 slot was most common, offering a maximum data rate of 28.8kbps, massively impressive at the time! #2G #GSM #historyoftechnology
A rare opportunity to dust off the old HP 8594E spectrum analyser and review some GSM GMSK waveforms in the 900 and 1800 MHz bands. The image is a BCCH TRX/carrier (constant amplitude) in the 1800 MHz band #2G #GSM #historyoftechnology
An early Mercury one2one head-frame with CSA vertically polarised antennas in space diversity configuration. Site has microwave radio backhaul for connectivity to BSC. #2G #GSM #historyoftechnology
I really like the photo
The scale of civil engineering required to rollout GSM networks is often overlooked. Here's a rooftop site with stub tower & walk in equipment cabinet, all delivered to the rooftop by a crane which required a road closure. Mercury one2one site 1999 #2G #GSM #historyoftechnology
The scale of civil engineering required to rollout GSM networks is often overlooked. Here's a rooftop site with stub tower & walk in equipment cabinet, all delivered to the rooftop by a crane which required a road closure. Mercury one2one site 1999 #2G #GSM #historyoftechnology
❗️В Туркменистане практически невозможно пользоваться интернетом
Для понимания масштабов катастрофы приводим (неполный!) список так называемых автономных систем, попавших под блокировку. Вместе они владеют более чем 60 миллионами IP-адресов 😡
Сколько стоит попасть в “белый список” Государственной службы кибербезопасности👇
Не хорошо это. (отстранюсь)Учитывая,что в рф пока что только проблемы с впн наблюдаются общественными,с личными все ок
I support the rights of gender and sexual minorities #GSM but it is nothing to be proud of. As someone who has struggled with sexaholism most of their life I assure you sinfulness is always destructive, you shouldn't be proud of dishonoring your parents, or missing Church on Sunday either