📢Ruby Google Season of Docs
Calling open source #Ruby related organizations/projects/implementations/alt frameworks like ruby, ruby on rails, jruby, truffleruby, sinatra, hanami, jekyll, bundler, etc to participate under the Ruby umbrella for #GSoD 2023.
RT @democracywb@twitter.com
As per @Int_IDEA@twitter.com's new #GSoD report on #globaldemocracy, at the end of 2021, 104 out of 173 countries covered were democracies & nearly half of them experienced democratic decline in some area. Read our summary of their findings here: https://www.democracywithoutborders.org/25625/democracy-continues-to-decline-globally-repression-grows-report-says/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/democracywb/status/1599759613309595648
RT @democracywb@twitter.com
.@Int_IDEA@twitter.com's new state of #globaldemocracy #GSoD report is alarming as it confirms continuing stagnation & decline our ED @AndreasBummel@twitter.com told @ipsnews@twitter.com, adding that a transnational citizens’ assembly could look into common root causes & how to address them https://www.ipsnews.net/2022/12/decline-fall-democracy-worldwide/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/democracywb/status/1599679519501131776
Barney trekt aan het kortste eind. Mooie week voor hem, maar laten Bulleyboy nu eindelijk eens die 1e Major winnen vanavond. #gsod
Aardig sportmiddagje weer. Barney, Lars, Max en Almoez. #gsod #wboverijsse #GPAbuDhabi #WC2022
#WC2022 #gpabudhabi #wboverijsse #GSoD
We had two successful Google Season of Docs projects this year. Congratulations to Pranali Deshmukh and Wisdom Nwokocha, and thank you to our mentors!
See all successful #GSoD projects here: https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/2020/participants