earlier toots about #GTD have reminded me that i have five or six inboxes and tasks collecting in all of them.
astounded by the volume of workflows and automation available in #OmniFocus these days though! #keanuWhoa
i have the #tasks #Obsidian plugin and rolling daily notes yadda yadda but i'm not really happy with it. it doesn't inspire confidence. i like the idea of my #PKM platform knowing what i'm doing but it's probably best done by exporting completed tasks into Obsidian vaults.
#GTD #omnifocus #keanuwhoa #tasks #obsidian #PKM
@rombarthelemy update : j’ai donc migré mon système d’OmniFocus vers Reminders/Rappels et j’en suis satisfait à J+10
#GTD #rappels #reminders #onserefaitpas
Gros doute car après un première impression négative, je me rends compte que les automatisations d’OmniFocus trahissent un peu la philosophie GTD. Je bâcle les étapes de revue de projets et je ne vois pas arriver les tâches programmées
À deux doigts de perdre des heures à voir si j’arrive à reproduire mon système GTD dans l’app Rappels
#GTD #Rappels #Reminders
I strictly separate between business and private (different files, computers and storage).
I try to keep it very simple by applying tags for everything.
I group related tasks by these tags via dynamic agenda searches if I need a particular view.
But normally I just need the basic agenda view.
Note: I apply a sort of #GTD method with a single general inbox.
After my daily task review, I sort the open tasks to TASKS/TODO, SOMEDAY and WAITING (for future start dates).
Working on an article about #gtd habits that make the practice successful. What are some you’ve found helpful?
This was easily one of the best conversations I've had about #GTD in a long time. https://twitter.com/bookwormfm/status/751086406513012736
As a writer, #GTD saves my bacon numerous times a day. http://joebuhlig.com/using-gtd-as-a-writer/
Do you use #GTD outside of work? http://joebuhlig.com/using-gtd-as-a-homeowner/
A fascinating perspective on introducing #GTD to your parents. http://bkkkk.github.io/2016-02-15-productivity-and-parents/ by @bkkkk
"Moving from tree-hugging to forest management" http://buhlig.us/1KT5wsr #GTD
I love these diagrams! @GTDmw shares his #GTD system in picture form: http://buhlig.us/1QYTVks
4 criteria for deciding what tasks to complete each day: http://buhlig.us/1AsUYwR #GTD
I've struggled with #contexts in the past, but I finally found something that works for me: http://buhlig.us/1Cl7oHP #gtd