New MARTA rail schedule takes effect this weekend, but people will only notice on Monday when they ride the trains. Also, MARTA provided a GTFS feed that contains errors.
#atlanta #marta #transit #data #GTFS #opentripplanner
Please be advised, #MARTA does not publish #GTFS (and even less #GTFSrealtime ) for special single-tracking days, so if you are using ATL RIDES or other apps, the schedules will not account for the reduced single-tracking frequencies. #atlanta #transit
#marta #GTFS #gtfsrealtime #atlanta #transit
#MARTA struggling to complete basic projects, including this update to show scheduled departures on their screens.
#marta #atlanta #transit #GTFS #gtfsrealtime
I'm making an ActivityPub server for distributing transit alerts 🎉 The tool is completely open-source and fetches alerts from GTFS-realtime Service Alerts feeds
Official instance:
Currently works with:
I expect to add a lot more agencies to the instance in the near-ish future—want to validate more before going wider
#GTFS #gtfsrealtime #ActivityPub #fediverse #transit
Well, I've had a fun day of trying my hand at the fantastic US Web Design System (#uswds) while assembling the beginnings of, which is intended to provide some useful analyses of #transit system data via #GTFS.
Ein Antrag zur Bereitstellung der #GTFS oder #NeTEx Daten von unseren angeschlossenen #Verkehrsverbunden im #LandkreisSchaumburg ist in Arbeit.
Hier ein paar Links, die es zur Begründung brauchte.
#GTFS #NeTEX #Verkehrsverbunden #LandkreisSchaumburg
Die Anfrage nach freien #GTFS oder #NeTEX Daten geht in den Ausschuss für Mobilität im #Schaumburger #Kreistag.
#GTFS #NeTEX #Schaumburger #Kreistag