#OddReasonsForAnAdultTantrum Someone on TV tweeted an opinion about the Government! 😫 #HashtagGames #GTFTO
#oddreasonsforanadulttantrum #HashtagGames #GTFTO
I should say - total support to those on strike today (including my youngest!).
I know it is not an easy decision to make. But enough is enough.
Oh ffs!
Covid tests on arrival from China *optional* as government accused of ‘muddled thinking’
#GTFTO #enoughisenough #LetTheBodiesPileHigh
RT @Sharon1963Keith@twitter.com
@RichardJMurphy@twitter.com We all need our NHS to succeed, so, in my humble opinion, we need the following as a minimum:
Fully renationalise it
Fund it properly so it can:
Reward its staff properly
Recruit more staff
Start to improve the NHS Estate
To do this we need to #GTFTO ASAP!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Sharon1963Keith/status/1609848027447169025
RT @mrleft1980@twitter.com
@acgrayling@twitter.com 👍 #GTFTO #NHSStrikes
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mrleft1980/status/1605532709555564545
RT @desertrose1969@twitter.com
Is this really what we have become?
#GTFTO https://twitter.com/lbc/status/1601998188545802240
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/desertrose1969/status/1602146479657070595
#GTFTO #generalelectionnow #FuckTheTories
RT @SydesJokes@twitter.com
At the next election people shouldn't automatically vote @UKLabour@twitter.com but instead see which party is best placed to beat the tory candidate and vote for them #VoteTactical #TacticalVoting #NeverVoteConservative #GTTO #GTTONow #GTFTO
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SydesJokes/status/1596948430181781504
#GTFTO #gttonow #gtto #NeverVoteConservative #TacticalVoting #votetactical
@PamCrossland No I don’t! I want my right to vote this awful, corrupt and criminally incompetent government out as soon as possible #GTFTO NOW!
The British National Health Service isn’t perfect because it’s been underfunded every year (in real terms) by our corrupt and criminally incompetent government. Remember what Nye Bevan said in 1948. We must #GTFTO so we can #SaveOurNHS
Never forget. #CovidInquiry #ImACeleb #MattHancock #ToryCriminals #GTFTO #GeneralElectionNow #GetOutOfTheJungleGetIntoACell #EnoughIsEnough #FairPayForNurses #SOSNHS #UKpolitics #StrongerTogether #SupportTheStrikes #Solidarity
#CovidInquiry #imaceleb #matthancock #ToryCriminals #GTFTO #generalelectionnow #getoutofthejunglegetintoacell #enoughisenough #fairpayfornurses #SOSNHS #ukpolitics #strongertogether #SupportTheStrikes #solidarity
Well, who'd have thought it? Everyone who can now say "I fucking told you so, twats"
"Brexit ‘permanently damaged’ UK economy, Michael Saunders says
Britain’s exit from the European Union is one of the reasons why the UK is now entering a period of austerity, a former Bank of England policymaker has said." #CostOfLivingCrisis #brexitBrokeBritain #GTFTO #GeneralElectionNow
#costoflivingcrisis #BrexitBrokeBritain #GTFTO #generalelectionnow
How’s all that ‘integrity’ working out for you, @RishiSunak?
#gtto #CorruptTories #GTFTO #smashthefash
RT @Joe7tinysteps@twitter.com
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of Britain
I'll show you something, you'll never understand.
Let me take you by the hand and drag you through the streets of Britain
I'll show you something, that'll make you fucking sick
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Joe7tinysteps/status/1588227670428602368
White man firebombs a refugee centre with multiple devices:
‘Despite the apparently targeted nature of the attack, Suella Braverman, the home secretary, said yesterday it was not being treated as terrorism.’
Tells you all you need to know.
12 years of wilfully refusing to fix the roof while the sun shines will tend to have that effect…
Cost of fixing ‘crumbling’ NHS hospitals soars to record £10bn
RT @Joe7tinysteps@twitter.com
The only #Growth I’m against is the cancerous one at the heart of Govt
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Joe7tinysteps/status/1577779974148333577
#GeneralElectionNOW #GTFTO #torygrowthisacancer #growth
RT @PeritaRisus
Happy #SocialistSunday🌹to all who want to #GTFTO
I follow back those who are like-minded. ✊