Both #GUADEC2021 and #GNOMEAsia2021 ran remotely on BigBlueButton thanks to your donations! Support the infrastructure:
#SupporFreeSoftware #FOSS #GNOME #GNOMEAsia2021 #GUADEC2021
Thank you to all of our #GSoC 2021 and #Outreachy students for their hard work! This year we had 14 students working on a wide range of projects. You can get a quick intro to each project from our #GUADEC2021 intern lightning talks:
Or see more details on the program websites:
Thank you to all of our speakers and hosts for your awesome presentations, thank you to our organizers and volunteers for helping GUADEC run so smoothly, and thank you to all of you for joining us at #GUADEC2021! We hope to see you all again next year at #GUADEC2022
The rest of #GUADEC2021 day 5 is dedicated to open social and workshop time. All of our conference tracks are available so grab a group and hang out with your fellow GNOMEies or get some work done together.
It’s the last day of #GUADEC2021! We’re starting with a fun social Pet Party in Track 1 at 15:00 UTC. Bring your animal companion and come say “Hi”!
Thank you to our #GUADEC2021 Bronze Sponsors: arm, AWS, Codethink, Dell, Fedora, and Igalia!
Learn more about our sponsors
#GUADEC #arm #AWS #Codethink #Dell #Fedora #Igalia #sponsor
#sponsor #igalia #Fedora #dell #codethink #AWS #Arm #GUADEC #GUADEC2021
Thank you to our #GUADEC2021 Silver Sponsors: openSUSE and Ubuntu!
Learn more about our sponsors
#GUADEC #openSUSE #Ubuntu #sponsor
#sponsor #Ubuntu #OpenSUSE #GUADEC #GUADEC2021
The talks are over but there are more social activities to join. Coming up in 30 mins is a virtual Tour of Zacatecas - let’s start getting excited for #GUADEC2022!
We’ve reached the end of our talks, BoFs, and workshops and it’s time to wrap up #GUADEC2021! Join us in Track 1 for the conference closing with Neil McGovern.
The rest of #GUADEC2021 Day 4 is full of BoFs and Workshops. Take a look at the full schedule here:
We'll wrap up today day with the Conference Closing so be sure to join Neil McGovern in Track 1 at 20:30 UTC.
Day 4 of #GUADEC2021 is here and we’re starting the day with Lightning Talks! Join us in Track 1 at 15:00 UTC.
Thank you to arm for joining us as a #GUADEC2021 Bronze Sponsor!
Learn more about our sponsors:
#sponsorship #Arm #GUADEC #GUADEC2021
Day 3 BoFs, Workshops, and Lightning Talks are complete and it’s time for our next social event! Join us for a Tea Party in Track 1 at 21:00 UTC.
Thank you to Centricular for joining #GUADEC2021 as a Supporter!
#sponsorship #centricular #GUADEC #GUADEC2021
The rest of #GUADEC day 3 is all about BoFs and Workshops! Check out the full schedule here:
Next up: Intern Lightning Talks! Join us in Track 1 and see what our interns have been up to.
Day 3 of #GUADEC2021 starts with an Office Hour from our Silver Sponsor Ubuntu! Join them in Track 1 at 14:00 UTC for a Q&A.
#GUADEC #Ubuntu #Canonical #sponsor
#sponsor #canonical #Ubuntu #GUADEC #GUADEC2021
Thank you to Igalia for joining us as a #GUADEC2021 Bronze Sponsor!
#sponsorship #igalia #GUADEC #GUADEC2021
Day 2 talks are all wrapped up, but the fun isn’t over! Join us for our next social event, Cooking Together with Sriram Ramkrishna, in Track 1 at 21:40 UTC.
Congratulations to Georges Stavracas, our #GUADEC2021 Pants Award winner!
Thank you for all your amazing work with GNOME.
#OpenSource #PantsAward #GUADEC #GUADEC2021