Among other things, worked to unite countries in .

His last words before he was murdered by 's henchmen were interestingly about .

> "They are making you all drunk (on Fb)."

We understand many people in so-called "" are not allowed to afford a outside of . It adds a whole new layer of meaning to the phrase 'under the influence'.

#Gaddafi #africa #hillaryclinton #farcebook #webexperience #fakebook #undertheinfluencer #hypnoticSuggestion #privacy #security #modernslavery #developingNations

Last updated 1 year ago

> "We came... we saw... he died"

For years since 's murder 12 years ago, has been a place of chaos and division, complete with open air . We understand a number of western countries have had an active presence in the country and an influence over their media and elections.

Today the US Geological Survey () announced two large and basins lie under Libya and .

#Gaddafi #libya #slavemarkets #USGS #oil #gas #tunisia #imperialism #africa

Last updated 2 years ago

uanews · @uanews
12461 followers · 6013 posts · Server


Last updated 2 years ago

ZGoldenReport · @ZGoldenReport
899 followers · 27650 posts · Server

Colonel , was murdered because he was about to launch a Pan African Currency - the gold dinar
In 2009, Gaddafi as President of the African Union, he advised African countries to switch to a new currency, independent of the American Dollar: the GOLD DINAR

#libya #Gaddafi

Last updated 2 years ago

ZGoldenReport · @ZGoldenReport
903 followers · 28803 posts · Server

Colonel , was murdered because he was about to launch a Pan African Currency - the gold dinar
In 2009, Gaddafi as President of the African Union, he advised African countries to switch to a new currency, independent of the American Dollar: the GOLD DINAR

#libya #Gaddafi

Last updated 2 years ago

Moneycircus · @Moneycircus
16 followers · 134 posts · Server



By linking the to gold, has directly challenged the private owners of the Western central .

Men have died for less - was bayonetted and the head of the French oil giant Total burned in his jet.

The challenge resounds in the halls of the Rothschilds’ Waddesdon Manor, to the airless rooms of the and the .

#cbdc #russia #bis #IMF #Gaddafi #banks #putin #rouble

Last updated 3 years ago

Stefan · @kranzkrone
157 followers · 5398 posts · Server

@KonstantinNotz Neutralität ist entweder ganz oder gar nicht bezüglich der .

Soweit mir bekannt, hat die Schweiz meistens nicht mitgemacht bei in puncto um eben die zu behalten und weiterhin mit allen Geschäfte machen zu können. 😏

Wie war das denn einst bei und , kann mich da nicht mehr ganz erinnern...🤔

#schweiz #sanktionen #finanzen #Neutralität #Gaddafi #Hussein

Last updated 3 years ago

Islamische Zeitung · @islamischezeitung
58 followers · 1401 posts · Server

Lybien: Nicht nur Gaddafi, auch Haftar will kandidieren
Tripolis (dpa). Knapp sechs Wochen vor der geplanten Präsidentschaftswahl im Bürgerkriegsland Libyen hat der mächtige General Chalifa Haftar seine Kandidatur angekündigt. Er wolle damit keine Macht und keinen Status erlangen, sondern das libysche Volk „in einer entscheidenden Ph

#afrika #bürgerkrieg #Gaddafi #haftar #lybien #präsidentschaftswahlen

Last updated 3 years ago

Remember the about the "babies thrown from the incubators onto the cold hard floor"? The questionable terror attacks that got us into under tenuous grounds in the first place given 's involvement. Remember the , , remember how we killed under false pretenses for trying to create an ? Remember ?

We are going to run out of characters – you get the picture.

Stay out.

#atrocityStories #afghanistan #saudiarabia #WMDs #russiagate #Gaddafi #african #currency #shamuary6 #weDontGottaDoSomething

Last updated 3 years ago

Remember the about the "babies thrown from the incubators onto the cold hard floor", the questionable terror attacks that got us into under somewhat tenuous grounds in the first place given involvement, remember the , remember , remember how we killed under false pretenses for trying to create an , remember ?

We are going to run out of character but hope you get the picture.

Stay out.

#african #currency #atrocityStories #afghanistan #saudiarabia #WMDs #russiagate #Gaddafi #shamuary6

Last updated 3 years ago

· @metztli
0 followers · 2019 posts · Server

"But if ’s fate is anything to go by (who abandoned his WMD program in the early 2000s and was 'brought in from the cold' as they say – only to be overthrown by the 'Good House Negro' , his then Sec. of State 'corrupt as fuck', Hillary Clinton, & its European , military intervention and summarily executed in the street years later), the view from is that any ‘deal-making’ with the ' bitch, the 'Great Satan', is impossible.~

#Gaddafi #USA #Obama #NATO #whores #Tehran #Zionists

Last updated 4 years ago