Well that was my #GalaxyZoo talk done for #NASARoman. Impossible to read the room for a remote talk, so I have no idea if people were interested.
(I’m not going except “virtually” to a Special Session on the Nancy Roman telescope where I’ll give a talk on #galaxyzoo type analysis).
Happy Holidays written in galaxies images by #SDSS and found thanks to #GalaxyZoo volunteers writing.galaxyzoo.org
And then we moved onto if it would be interesting to get more 21cm line observations for some samples - I love #radioastronomy and neutral hydrogen in #galaxies and #GalaxyZoo - so that was an excellent mashup for me. :)
#radioastronomy #galaxies #GalaxyZoo
Enjoying the Galaxy Zoo science team catchup this morning - discussing unusual and cool looking galaxies, and how having more Hubble Space Telescope imaging could help! #astronomy #GalaxyZoo #citizenscience
#astronomy #GalaxyZoo #citizenscience