Current listening. #DoctorWho #Gallifrey #TimeWar boxset 1 from #BigFinish. Will be selling on the CD boxset after. #audio #audioDrama #Scifi
#scifi #audiodrama #audio #bigfinish #timewar #Gallifrey #doctorwho
Never thought it would be through fan art I'd find my way to #comics again 😆 A couple of scenes from Big Finish's audio series #Gallifrey that I had enormous fun putting together.
#DoctorWho - The Doctor Leaves #Gallifrey
#mrjsmith #fanedit #fanmade #tardis #thedoctor #drwho #Gallifrey #doctorwho
Feeling a bit bleak today so I wanted to channel that into a photo. Here’s the War Doctor overlooking the destruction of the Panopticon. #doctorwho #wardoctor #gallifrey #toyphotography
#toyphotography #Gallifrey #wardoctor #doctorwho
I found out recently that the #DoctorWho con will be in LA before the #StarTrek cruise. A number of celebrities/cruise guests will be at both. I’m kind of glad I didn’t know about this earlier, lest I be tempted…not sure I want to spend con levels of $ on DW, though. 🤷♀️ BUT I’ve added it as a possible costume for next year. 🖖
#StarTrekCruise #sttc #Gallifrey
P.S. What’s the emoji for DW? Doesn’t seem like there is one? Maybe *having its own emoji* makes ST the superior fandom. Just sayin’. 😜
#doctorwho #startrek #startrekcruise #sttc #Gallifrey
Classic who Edit because why not ❤️❤️➕🟦 #classicwho #jonpertwee #thirddoctor #3rddoctor #tardis #unit #jogrant #sarahjanesmith #dalek #bbcdrwho #doctorwho #drwhofandom #drwho #drbond #reversethepolarity #myedit #gallifrey #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoart #jonpertweedoctorwho #newwho #doctorwhoedit #doctorwhobbc #classicwhovian #drwhofan
#classicwho #jonpertwee #ThirdDoctor #3rddoctor #tardis #Unit #JoGrant #SarahJaneSmith #dalek #bbcdrwho #doctorwho #drwhofandom #drwho #drbond #reversethepolarity #myedit #Gallifrey #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoart #jonpertweedoctorwho #newwho #doctorwhoedit #doctorwhobbc #classicwhovian #drwhofan
Happy heavenly birthday to the first doctor #WilliamHartnell the actor who kick started the magic that is the doctor 💙💙 #doctorwho #classicwho #firstdoctor #tardis #timelord #whoivan #bbcdrwho #1stdoctor #drwho #drwhoedit #doctorwhofandom #Gallifrey #myedit #drwhofan
#williamhartnell #doctorwho #classicwho #FirstDoctor #tardis #timelord #whoivan #bbcdrwho #1stdoctor #drwho #drwhoedit #DoctorWHOfandom #Gallifrey #myedit #drwhofan
Omega! The Gallifreyan engineer who made time travel possible, thus creating Time Lord society. Part of the National Museum of Scotland Doctor Who exhibition
#omega #DoctorWho #ScienceFiction #TimeLord #Gallifrey #NationalMuseumOfScotland #costume #Edinburgh #Edimbourg #exhibition #museum #musee
#musee #museum #exhibition #edimbourg #edinburgh #costume #nationalmuseumofscotland #Gallifrey #timelord #sciencefiction #doctorwho #omega
Made this last night I really like this ❤️❤️ #DoctorWho #newwho #tardis #timelord #mattsmith #eleventhdoctor #whovian #madmaninabluebox #Geronimo #bowtiesarecool #bbcdrwho #myedit #drwhofandom #bbcdoctorwho #gallifrey #DrWho
#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #mattsmith #EleventhDoctor #whovian #madmaninabluebox #geronimo #bowtiesarecool #bbcdrwho #myedit #drwhofandom #bbcdoctorwho #Gallifrey #drwho
My new wallpaper 💖💖 #DoctorWho #ncutigatwa #davidtennant #fiftteenthdoctor #fourteenthdoctor #newwho #tardis #timelord #bbcdrwho #tardis #myedit #whovians #drwhoedit #myedit #allonsy #tenthdoctor #gallifrey #drwhofandom
#doctorwho #ncutigatwa #davidtennant #fiftteenthdoctor #fourteenthdoctor #newwho #tardis #timelord #bbcdrwho #myedit #whovians #drwhoedit #allonsy #tenthdoctor #Gallifrey #drwhofandom
✨the moment AKA bad wolf girl 🥰🥰 new edit I made✨ #doctorwho #newwho #tardis #rosetyler #badwolf #themoment #dayofthedoctor #timelord #gallifrey #billiepiper #tenthdoctor #wardoctor #elevethdoctor #bbcdoctorwho #drwho #drwhofandom #drwhofanart #myedit #dayofthedoctor #50thanniversary
#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #rosetyler #BadWolf #themoment #dayofthedoctor #timelord #Gallifrey #billiepiper #tenthdoctor #wardoctor #elevethdoctor #bbcdoctorwho #drwho #drwhofandom #drwhofanart #myedit #50thAnniversary
✨the moment AKA bad wolf girl 🥰🥰 new edit I made✨ #doctorwho #newwho #tardis #rosetyler #badwolf #themoment #dayofthedoctor #timelord #gallifrey #billiepiper #tenthdoctor #wardoctor #elevethdoctor #bbcdoctorwho #drwho #drwhofandom #drwhofanart #myedit #dayofthedoctor #50thanniversary
#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #rosetyler #BadWolf #themoment #dayofthedoctor #timelord #Gallifrey #billiepiper #tenthdoctor #wardoctor #elevethdoctor #bbcdoctorwho #drwho #drwhofandom #drwhofanart #myedit #50thAnniversary
"I Don't Need An Army, I Never Have. Because I've Got Them. Always Them. Because Love Is Not An Emotion, Love Is A Promise."❤️❤️➕🟦 #deathinheaven 2014 #doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #gallifrey #twelfthdoctor #petercapaldi #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #whovian #claraoswald #bekind #theuniverselovespetercapaldi #doctordisco #drwho #dwfanart #drwhofandom #myedit #12thdoctor
#deathinheaven #doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #Gallifrey #twelfthdoctor #PeterCapaldi #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #whovian #claraoswald #bekind #theuniverselovespetercapaldi #doctordisco #dwfanart #drwhofandom #myedit #12thDoctor
New edit on ncutigatwa & milliegibbon new costume reveal for doctor who ❤️❤️➕🟦#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #gallifrey #fifteenthdoctor #15thdictor #ncutigatwa #rubysunday #milliegibson #RTD #bbcdoctorwho #drwhofandom #drwho #drwhoedit #dwart #myedit #newseason #cantwait #lookingcool #doctorruby
#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #Gallifrey #fifteenthdoctor #15thdictor #ncutigatwa #rubysunday #milliegibson #rtd #bbcdoctorwho #drwhofandom #drwho #drwhoedit #dwart #myedit #newseason #cantwait #lookingcool #doctorruby
New edit on ncutigatwa & milliegibbon new costume reveal for doctor who ❤️❤️➕🟦#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #gallifrey #fifteenthdoctor #15thdictor #ncutigatwa #rubysunday #milliegibson #RTD #bbcdoctorwho #drwhofandom #drwho #drwhoedit #dwart #myedit #newseason #cantwait #lookingcool #doctorruby
#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #Gallifrey #fifteenthdoctor #15thdictor #ncutigatwa #rubysunday #milliegibson #rtd #bbcdoctorwho #drwhofandom #drwho #drwhoedit #dwart #myedit #newseason #cantwait #lookingcool #doctorruby
I had to make a quick edit on this on ncutigatwa new costume reveal ❤️❤️➕🟦#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #gallifrey #fifteenthdoctor #15thdictor #ncutigatwa #rubysunday #RTD #bbcdoctorwho #drwhofandom #drwho #drwhoedit #dwart #myedit #newseason #cantwait #lookingcool
#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #Gallifrey #fifteenthdoctor #15thdictor #ncutigatwa #rubysunday #rtd #bbcdoctorwho #drwhofandom #drwho #drwhoedit #dwart #myedit #newseason #cantwait #lookingcool
Merry whovian Christmas everyone 💙💙 #doctorwho #newwho #ThirteenthDoctor #yazkhan #thasmin #tardis #Fam #timelord #jodiewhitaker #mandipgill #whovian #myedit #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoedit #timelord #gallifrey #myedit #drwhofandom #merrychristmas
#doctorwho #newwho #ThirteenthDoctor #yazkhan #thasmin #tardis #FAm #timelord #jodiewhitaker #mandipgill #whovian #myedit #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoedit #Gallifrey #drwhofandom #merrychristmas
Have a very doctor who Christmas 🎅. Allonsy ❤️❤️🎄 #doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #gallifrey #tenrose #rosetyler #billiepiper #davidtennant #tenthdoctor #drwhofandom #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoart #doctorwhoedit #rtd #allonsy #timeabdchips #myedit #thechristmasinvasion #bloodylovethispair #ishipthem
#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #Gallifrey #tenrose #rosetyler #billiepiper #davidtennant #tenthdoctor #drwhofandom #bbcdoctorwho #drwhoart #doctorwhoedit #rtd #allonsy #timeabdchips #myedit #thechristmasinvasion #bloodylovethispair #ishipthem
You're just memories held in glass. Do you know how many of you I could fill? I would shatter you. My testimony would shatter all of you. A life this long, do you understand what it is? It's a battlefield, like this one, and it's empty. Twice upon a time 2017 made especially for fanspetercapaldi merry Christmas #doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #gallifrey #theuniverselovespetercapaldi #petercapaldi #twelfthdoctor #twiceuponatime #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #myedit #12thdoctor #drwhoart #whovian #
#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #Gallifrey #theuniverselovespetercapaldi #PeterCapaldi #twelfthdoctor #twiceuponatime #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #myedit #12thDoctor #drwhoart #whovian
✨never be cruel, never be cowardly, hate is always foolish,love is always wise, always try to be nice, but never fell to be kind” twice upon a time 2017 big thanks to fanspetercapaldi always 💙💙✨ #doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #gallifrey #bekind #doctordisco #twelfthdoctor #theuniverselovespetercapaldi #petercapaldi #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwhoedit #myedit #doctorwhochrismas #whovian #drwhoart
#doctorwho #newwho #tardis #timelord #Gallifrey #bekind #doctordisco #twelfthdoctor #theuniverselovespetercapaldi #PeterCapaldi #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #doctorwhoedit #myedit #doctorwhochrismas #whovian #drwhoart