RT @NWM_India@twitter.com
We love bikinis and we love women with swag, but this video is confusing. Is it about #Galwan? Or about #RichaChadha's swimwear? What's the link between these visuals and your show's theme, @IndiaToday@twitter.com?
Kids, never mix sexism with journalism.
@ShivAroor@twitter.com @aroonpurie@twitter.com #KalliPurie
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NWM_India/status/1597445864943153159
#kallipurie #RichaChadha #Galwan
RT @NWM_India@twitter.com
This is Shiv
Shiv is an India Today journalist
Shiv uses pictures of #RichaChadha's bikinis for a TV show on #Galwan and the Army.
Shiv does not match his visuals to his theme.
Shiv thinks we do not see what game he is playing.
Be smart.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NWM_India/status/1597528804662317059
#RichaChadha #Galwan #dontbelikeshiv
RT @NWM_India@twitter.com
We love bikinis and we love women with swag, but this video is confusing. Is it about #Galwan? Or about #RichaChadha's swimwear? What's the link between these visuals and your show's theme, @IndiaToday@twitter.com?
Kids, never mix sexism with journalism.
@ShivAroor@twitter.com @aroonpurie@twitter.com #KalliPurie
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NWM_India/status/1597445864943153159
#Galwan #RichaChadha #kallipurie
RT @NWM_India@twitter.com
This is Shiv
Shiv reports on defence
Shiv writes impressive-sounding tweets against sexism
Shiv filled his TV show with a woman's bikini-clad photos while he discussed her views on #Galwan
Shiv thinks we can't spot sexism when we see it
Be sincere
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NWM_India/status/1597560267030028293
RT @NWM_India@twitter.com
This is Shiv
Shiv anchors TV shows
Shiv magically synthesises #Galwan and a bikini-clad actor
Shiv speaks with a serious expression on his face to confuse us while performing this magic
Shiv thinks we think this is journalism
Be a journalist
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NWM_India/status/1597543703073390594
RT @ashokkmrsingh@twitter.com
#Galwan controversy on tweet by @RichaChadha@twitter.com I don't think she mocked sacrifice of soldiers ..she was rather targeting a political statement given by a serving General to benefit BJP in elections. When Army gets politicised then be ready for criticism and mocking too.. @adgpi@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ashokkmrsingh/status/1595968278111059970
So according to Bhakts,
-the suspension on 59 Chinese apps is what our soldiers expected from the PM
-M0di worked non-stop day & night just to fulfil the promise that he made and banned those apps successfully
#GodiMedia declared India's victory on #Galwan issue by banning Apps
RT @Supriya23bh
Meanwhile, New statement by Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mr Zhao Lijian says “‘Galwan Valley is located on the Chinese side of LAC in West section of China-India boundary’
China has released this step by step account of their version of what happened in #Galwan Valley
Let's not forget that Modi will do anything to ensure that he can keep going on his foreign trips to hug fair skinned world leaders.
RT @Supriya23bh@twitter.com
Meanwhile, New statement by Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mr Zhao Lijian says “‘Galwan Valley is located on the Chinese side of LAC in West section of China-India boundary’
China has released this step by step account of their version of what happened in #Galwan Valley