Thank you all for such an AMAZING Gen Con! If you missed us or couldn't make the con, come see us at Gamehole Con this October for more fun and games!
#gencon #montecookgames #gameholecon
#GenCon #montecookgames #GameHoleCon
I've been to SDCC and smaller comic conventions, but I've never been to a true gaming convention like #Genacon or #GameHoleCon. I assume there are differences depending on the specific convention. Are there any good websites/resources/etc. other than scanning social media posts about what to expect from different cons? If anyone wants to share a favorite (and what they like about it), I love to know more. I've been playing RPGs since the 80s and would like to try a few cons.
It's convention planning time. Let's schedule stuff!
#SDCC #GameHoleCon #ttrpg #DnD #filmmaking #fitness
"Mr. Gaeda... set the clock to 149 days... mark. Prepare to jump on my command!"
#ttrpg #ct #traveller #GameHoleCon
Gameholecons plushie monster this year is a cube! #dnd #gameholecon #gelatinouscube #plushie
#plushie #gelatinouscube #GameHoleCon #DnD
Following #ttrpg folks on this platform, today.
I'm a conventioneer. I run the D&D 5e rooms for #Garycon #GameholeCon #MegaCon #CrucibleOrlando. I can be typically found at #GenCon, #Origins, #DragonCon conventions running 5e games or helping admin the rooms.
I started playing #ttrpg games in 1978, and these days I spend all of my gaming time hoping to pass on the delight of this hobby to others.
#ttrpg #Garycon #GameHoleCon #megacon #CrucibleOrlando #gencon #origins #dragoncon
OMG if only.
If anyone is in that area or can get there and wants to run a game!
RT @MonteCookGames
REMINDER: We're still looking for GMs to run games for us at #GameholeCon next month!
We've got Numenera, Cypher System, 5th Edition, and Stealing Stories on the roster, and complimentary badges and swag await the game masters who helm these tables!