@weiming @isaaccp @futurebird @dynamic @nerd4cities as someone who studies human motivation and behavior change, this made me wonder whether simulating real cities w/ warts (parking lots) and all using #SimCity or other games could be used to help change voters’ support for zoning policy changes #GamesForChange #G4C #GamesForHealth
#gamesforhealth #G4C #GamesForChange #simcity
Hi Everyone!
Totally new here so I thought a brief #introduction post might be in order!
I'm Chris, a lifelong gamer (since the ZX81... yes, that long ago!) now taking a first proper dive into game development - with 1-bit games in #Lua for the new #playdate console.
Interests include:
‣ #writing (used to do corporate copy and ads, now more interested in short fiction/games)
‣ #gaming
‣ #vr
‣ #gamedev (Playdate at the moment, its a great platform for learning!)
‣ #behavioralscience (was my job, remains an interest)
‣ #sustainability
‣ #GamesForChange
I'm also a father of three, which means I have a handy built-in test/QA department for my game ideas!
Looking forward to learning, chatting and maybe even collaborating!
#introduction #lua #playdate #writing #Gaming #vr #gamedev #behavioralscience #sustainability #GamesForChange