RT @EFAparty: We march today for the sovereignty of the peoples in Galiza.
Because #Galiza is a European nation and because self-determination is a right for all peoples in the world.
We want to win our future and with @obloque we will win our future.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/anamirandapaz/status/1552963728903110658
RT @AINA_AMENGUALM: Avui present a la manifestació del Dia de la Pàtria Gallega i escoltant la intervenció de n'@anaponton futura presidenta de Galiza! #DiaDaPatriaGalega #Ganarmosofuturo #PolaSoberaniaDosPobos
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/anamirandapaz/status/1551695876925554688
#diadapatriagalega #Ganarmosofuturo #PolaSoberaniaDosPobos
RT @sarabailac: Som a Santiago de Compostel•la per commemorar amb les companyes de @obloque el #DiaDaPatriaGalega i per revindicar la plena sobirania de les nostres nacions. #Ganarmosofuturo
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/anamirandapaz/status/1551694393513574400
#diadapatriagalega #Ganarmosofuturo
RT @EFAparty: We march today for the sovereignty of the peoples in Galiza.
Because #Galiza is a European nation and because self-determination is a right for all peoples in the world.
We want to win our future and with @obloque we will win our future.