An easily derived oil that can cure cancer is a great idea, too, but that doesn't mean that snake oil cures aren't a scam.
The idea behind Bitcoin is great, but there's no permanent source of value. It's "valuable" because of the time it takes to mine (an artificially determined amount of time) and the limitation of how few coins there are.
We might as well be trading #GarbagePailKids.
My first little business in life was selling these cards at school. Imagine kids looking at beheaded babys today. #GarbagePailKids
GPK Fusion - Metallic Ciccio Alec #Ciccio #Disney #Pixar #DisneyPixarLuca #MetallicAlec #GarbagePailKids #Fusion
#ciccio #disney #pixar #disneypixarluca #metallicalec #GarbagePailKids #fusion
GPK Fusion - Frankenstein Split Kit Brother's #Frankenstein #HankNStein #FrankensteinAndHankNStein #HotelTransylvaniaTVSeries #SplitKit #GarbagePailKids #fusion
#frankenstein #hanknstein #frankensteinandhanknstein #hoteltransylvaniatvseries #splitkit #GarbagePailKids #fusion
GPK Fusion - Mr. Boone Wiseman #BooneWiseman #MrWiseman #BooneWisemanAndMrWisman #DisneyPennZeroPartTimeHero #SplitKit #GarbagePailKids #Fusion
#boonewiseman #mrwiseman #boonewisemanandmrwisman #disneypennzeroparttimehero #splitkit #GarbagePailKids #fusion
Garbage Pail Kids: Origins #3 preview. The stunning conclusion to the most important Garbage Pail Kids comic book OF ALL TIME! #comics #comicbooks #gpk #garbagepailkids
#comics #comicbooks #GPK #GarbagePailKids
Still trying to learn this, but here's an #Introduction of sorts -
40 ish years old. 4 kids ranging from 4 to 22. I also have an irrational fear of the Mothman. Thanks Unsolved Mysteries. 😂
Here are a few of my interests -
#truecrime #stephenking #miraculous #sunflowers #taylorswift #equality #Politics #spirituality #thrifting #GarbagePailKids #vcandrews #Reading #TikTok #rainbows #my600lblife #tlc #SisterWives #plantsvszombies #RealityTV #Music #Introduction
Topps Sells out Crypto-Themed Garbage Pail Kids ‘Non-Flushable Token’ Cards
#BlockchainCollectibles #Non-fungibletoken(NFT) #DigitalCollectibles #Non-fungibleartwork #BoredAdamYuckClub #ToppsCollectibles #WalmartandTarget #digitalvariants #GarbagePailKids #seasonsofcrypto #AirdropAngel #BridgetTroll #DigitalCards #ToppsCompany #Cryptopukes #MarsAttacks #Blockchain #LUNA-tic. #Fanatics #GPK
#BlockchainCollectibles #non #DigitalCollectibles #BoredAdamYuckClub #ToppsCollectibles #WalmartandTarget #digitalvariants #GarbagePailKids #seasonsofcrypto #AirdropAngel #BridgetTroll #DigitalCards #ToppsCompany #Cryptopukes #MarsAttacks #blockchain #Luna #Fanatics #GPK
Love me some #GarbagePailKids
NFT Collection Veefriends Physical Collectibles to Debut at Macy’s and Toys’R’Us
#MutantApeYachtClub(MAYC) #BoredApeYachtClub(BAYC) #DCdigitalcollectibles #physicalcounterparts #Non-fungibletokens #GarbagePailKids #GaryVaynerchuk #PacificSunwear #AndyKraniak #Tiffany&Co. #NBATopShot #Veefriends #Toys"R"Us #Walmart #Target #Funko #Macys #Topps #News #NFTs #GPK #nft
#MutantApeYachtClub #BoredApeYachtClub #DCdigitalcollectibles #physicalcounterparts #non #GarbagePailKids #GaryVaynerchuk #PacificSunwear #AndyKraniak #tiffany #NBATopShot #VeeFriends #toys #walmart #Target #Funko #macys #Topps #news #NFTs #GPK #nft
Funko Partners With Walmart to Drop DC Digital Collectibles and Physical Twin Counterparts
#DigitalCollectiblesPlatform #physicalcounterparts #DigitalCollectibles #TopShotvendorkiosks #DigitalCollectible #TheBraveandtheBold #Non-fungibleToken #AndrewPerlmutter #FunkoDigitalPop #GarbagePailKids #JoshHackbarth #DCcharacters #Nasdaq:FNKO #Tiffany&Co. #Blockchain
#DigitalCollectiblesPlatform #physicalcounterparts #DigitalCollectibles #TopShotvendorkiosks #DigitalCollectible #TheBraveandtheBold #non #AndrewPerlmutter #FunkoDigitalPop #GarbagePailKids #JoshHackbarth #DCcharacters #nasdaq #tiffany #walmart #blockchain