! 9-10 dicembre 2022"Queste sono le vittime del raid di : rifugiati e richiedenti asilo vivono in queste condizioni nel centro di detenzione ".@Refugees deve assumersi le sue responsabilità!#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibyaRefugees In Libya: The brutal and unlawful attack on our homes in last year will walk down to history and the treatment of the @UNHCRLibyaTo this day the victims of these acts are still abandoned in inhumane conditions in @UNHCRLibya must stand to its responsibility!

#unfair #AinZara #Gargaresh #ToGeneva

Last updated 2 years ago

RT Refugees In LibyaThe brutal and unlawful attack on our homes in last year will walk down to history and the treatment of the @UNHCRLibyaTo this day the victims of these acts are still abandoned in inhumane conditions in @UNHCRLibya must stand to its responsibility!

#AinZara #unfair #Gargaresh

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @SeebrueckeFfm@twitter.com

Der brutale, rechtswidrige Angriff auf die Wohnungen von @RefugeesinLibya@twitter.com in im letzten Jahr ist Teil der Behandlung durch @UNHCRLibya@twitter.com.

Bis heute sind die Opfer dieser Taten im DC willkürlich in Haft.

@UNHCRLibya@twitter.com muss zu seiner Verantwortung stehen! twitter.com/RefugeesinLibya/st

🐦🔗: twitter.com/SeebrueckeFfm/stat

#Gargaresh #unfair #AinZara

Last updated 2 years ago

Seebrücke Frankfurt · @seebrueckeffm
1240 followers · 3900 posts · Server mastodon.social

Der brutale, rechtswidrige Angriff auf die Wohnungen von in im letzten Jahr ist Teil der Behandlung durch in .

Bis heute sind die Opfer dieser Taten im DC willkürlich in Haft und unmenschlichen Bedingungen ausgeliefert.

muss zu seiner Verantwortung stehen!

📹 via refugeesinlibya.org

#RefugeesInLibya #Gargaresh #unfair #unhcr #libyen #AinZara #UNHCRLibya

Last updated 2 years ago

Seebrücke Frankfurt · @seebrueckeffm
1498 followers · 4371 posts · Server mastodon.social

Der brutale, rechtswidrige Angriff auf die Wohnungen von in im letzten Jahr ist Teil der Behandlung durch in .

Bis heute sind die Opfer dieser Taten im DC willkürlich in Haft und unmenschlichen Bedingungen ausgeliefert.

muss zu seiner Verantwortung stehen!

📹 via refugeesinlibya.org

#RefugeesInLibya #Gargaresh #unfair #unhcr #libyen #AinZara #UNHCRLibya

Last updated 2 years ago

Re Il ragazzo era già stato colpito dai raid delle milizie nell'ottobre 2021 a . Insieme alla famiglia ha poi partecipato per tre mesi al sit-in davanti alla sede dell' @UNHCRLibya, prima che venisse violentemente smantellato lo scorso 10 gennaio. 3/5

#tripoli #Gargaresh

Last updated 2 years ago

Mazin, 15 anni, rifugiato del e attivista di @RefugeesinLibya, è stato sequestrato ieri mattina da uomini armati nella zona di a .1/5Refugees In Libya: A 15 y.o. refugee from have been kidnapped by a gunman in area in Tripoli.A victim of Darfur civil war, several detentions, raids, CDC, and now human trafficking. A complete failure of the @UNHCRLibya & the international community

#AinZara #Gargaresh #tripoli #Warshfana #darfur #sudan

Last updated 2 years ago

"Sono un richiedente asilo registrato presso @UNHCRLibya. Vivevo a quando ci hanno attaccati e portati in prigione. Siamo scappati e abbiamo fatto un sit-in al CDC per chiedere protezione. 3 mesi dopo, il nuovo attacco". In Libya: Another victim with broken legs . "Im an asylum seeker registered with @UNHCRLibya.I lived in Gargaresh when suddenly they attacked us,we were taken to prison,later escaped followed by a sit-in at the CDC seeking protection. It took us 3months only waiting another attack @hrw

#FreeRefugeesRefugees #EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya #Gargaresh

Last updated 3 years ago