The work of enforcers like DoJ antitrust boss #JonathanKanter, #FTC chair #LinaKhan, and #SEC chair #GaryGensler is at the heart of #Bidenomics: muscular, fearless deployment of existing regulatory authority to make life better for Americans.
Of course, "existing regulatory authority" isn't the last word. The judges filling stolen seats on the illegitimate #SupremeCourt invented the #MajorQuestionsDoctrine and have used it as a club to attack Biden's photocopier-kickers.
#jonathankanter #ftc #linakhan #sec #GaryGensler #Bidenomics #supremecourt #majorquestionsdoctrine
In today's #TotallyUnsurprisingNews, the #Ripple vs #SEC saga continues as the now-infamous #Hinman files are released, surprisingly, chock full of critical comments and questions from his own peers, which were then ignored.
Not looking great for the #SEC and #GaryGensler's current #crypto cases. :oof: :dentonlol:
#TotallyUnsurprisingNews #ripple #sec #hinman #GaryGensler #crypto
Today in #TotallyUnsurprisingNews, the #SEC Stabilization Act was filed, to restructure the SEC, and FIRE the Chariman #GaryGensler for his endless fucking about. #FAFO in full effect.
#TotallyUnsurprisingNews #sec #GaryGensler #FAFO #crypto #regulation
In today's #TotallyUnsurprisingNews, #SEC sues #Coinbase, for #cryptocurrency staking services.
#COIN dumped almost 20% in premarkets this morning as a result before recovering to 12% down on the day.
Ooooooofties! Somebody stop #GaryGensler! :drake_dislike:
#TotallyUnsurprisingNews #sec #coinbase #cryptocurrency #coin #GaryGensler
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Lindsay Lohan, Soulja Boy, Jake Paul, Akon, a Porn Star, and More Charged With Crypto Violations #Jezebel #africanamericanpeople #deandrecortezway #humaninterest #lindsaylohan #austinmahone #garygensler #kendralust #bittorrent #souljaboy #justinsun #lilyachty #snapmusic #musicians #jakepaul #actors #akon #neyo #yo
#jezebel #africanamericanpeople #deandrecortezway #humaninterest #lindsaylohan #austinmahone #GaryGensler #kendralust #bittorrent #souljaboy #justinsun #lilyachty #snapmusic #musicians #jakepaul #actors #akon #neyo #yo
#Bitcoin #BinanceUSD #blockchain #cryptocurrencies #GaryGensler US SEC Chairman Gary Gensler Says All Cryptocurrencies Except Bitcoin Are Securities: US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler recently discussed the regulation of the cryptocurrency industry in an interview with New York Magazine. According to Gensler, all cryptocurrencies except Bitcoin are considered securities and fall within the SEC's jurisdiction.
He expressed concern…
#bitcoin #BinanceUSD #blockchain #cryptocurrencies #GaryGensler
Gary Gensler, head of the SEC, speaks with @dlauer of #WeTheInvestors
#FTD #FTDs #SEC #GaryGensler #DaveLauer #DRS #DRSGME #GameStop
#wetheinvestors #Superstonk #ftd #FTDs #sec #GaryGensler #DaveLauer #DRS #DRSGME #GameStop
Kotaku: Crypto Shilling Costs Yet Another Celebrity A Million Dollars #gaming #tech #kotaku #financialtechnology #floydmayweatherjr #operatingsystems #decentralization #cryptocurrency #humaninterest #kimkardashian #uberisation #garygensler #paulpierce #celebrity #software #articles #twitter #emax #nba
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #FinancialTechnology #floydmayweatherjr #operatingsystems #decentralization #cryptocurrency #humaninterest #KimKardashian #uberisation #GaryGensler #paulpierce #celebrity #software #articles #Twitter #emax #nba
"Who is Gary Gensler?" - Dave Portnoy #GaryGensler #DavePortnoy #DDTG #sec
#daveportnoy #DDTG #sec #GaryGensler
Excellent work today @dlauer
#DRS #DRSGME #sec #GaryGensler #DaveLauer
This guy is just another #deepstate hack
#NancyPelosi #georgesoros #hillaryclinton #sec #GaryGensler #DeepState
This guy is just another #deepstate hack
#NancyPelosi #georgesoros #hillaryclinton #sec #GaryGensler #DeepState
This guy is just another #deepstate hack
#NancyPelosi #georgesoros #hillaryclinton #sec #GaryGensler #DeepState
This guy is just another #deepstate hack
#NancyPelosi #georgesoros #hillaryclinton #sec #GaryGensler #DeepState
#Krypto-Krise: US-Kongressabgeordneter fordert Untersuchung von #SEC-Chef #GaryGensler & dessen Rolle beim #FTX-Kollaps #GaryGenslerResign (via
#krypto #sec #GaryGensler #ftx #garygenslerresign
From Belgium says BTC, ETH and other decentralized coins are not securities #BelgiumFinancialServicesandMarketsAuthority #MarketsinCryptoAssetsRegulation #FinancialInstrument #EuropeanParliament #EuropeanUnion #GaryGensler #Commodity #Security
#security #commodity #GaryGensler #europeanunion #europeanparliament #financialinstrument #marketsincryptoassetsregulation #belgiumfinancialservicesandmarketsauthority
Stare at the Abyss so eerie,
and it stares back at you.
Eat that fruit of kiwi,
and it eats some of you.
Invite SBF for an interview,
and you'll sink in the slew.
Hell, you deserve that NYT.
#media #NYT #FTX #corruption #crypto #Democrat #GaryGensler #SEC
#media #nyt #FtX #corruption #crypto #democrat #GaryGensler #sec
SEC Enforcement Remains Focused on Crypto — Chair Gensler Says He’s ‘Impressed’ With Enforcement Results
#secdivisionofenforcement #garygenslerenforcement #SECenforcementactions #seccryptoenforcement #enforcementapproach #seccryptoregulation #enforcementreport #Cryptoregulation #Enforcement #GaryGensler #Regulation #Crypto #SEC
#secdivisionofenforcement #garygenslerenforcement #SECenforcementactions #seccryptoenforcement #enforcementapproach #seccryptoregulation #enforcementreport #Cryptoregulation #enforcement #GaryGensler #regulation #crypto #sec
Will SBF face consequences for mismanaging FTX? Don’t count on it
#SamBankman-Fried #GaryGensler #Regulation #Congress #FTX
#SamBankman #GaryGensler #regulation #congress #FTX
Conflicting Reports Emerge About SEC Helping Bankrupt Crypto Exchange FTX With Legal Loopholes
#GaryGenslermeetingwithFTX #GaryGenslernoactionletter #GaryGenslerworkingwithFTX #SECnoactionletter #SamBankman-Fried #noactionletter #GaryGensler #secchairman #Regulation #SECFTX #SEC
#GaryGenslermeetingwithFTX #GaryGenslernoactionletter #GaryGenslerworkingwithFTX #SECnoactionletter #SamBankman #noactionletter #GaryGensler #secchairman #regulation #SECFTX #sec