#Refugees #kindnessismagic
Gary Lineker accepts human rights award with call to show refugees more compassion https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/may/24/gary-lineker-accepts-human-rights-award-with-call-to-show-refugees-more-compassion?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
>Match of the Day host was in Rome to receive a ‘Sport and Human Rights’ award from Amnesty International for ‘his strong commitment towards immigration and human rights issues’
#GaryLineker #kindnessismagic #Refugees
I'm no expert, but I'm not sure a TV format 'show with silent host' is holding much promise...
First the BBC, now HMRC. Two wins in a row - is there a hat trick on the cards for Gary?
Just saw an article about #GaryLineker winning a £49 tax case against #HMRC , i didn't fully read it due to my misplaced reading glasses, I think I gleaned the necessary information to get the gist though.
I suppose every little helps when you're worth tens of millions of pounds.
When Theresa May (who introduced the hostile environment policy) criticises the government's asylum bill, you know that something is fundamentally wrong with it.
BBC News - Theresa May says asylum plan won't solve illegal migration issue
Theresa May says asylum plan won't solve illegal migration issue https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-64943444
It was all about the *language*.
#BBC #Impartiality #GaryLineker
#GaryLineker #impartiality #bbc
Good news. Gary Lineker will be back at the BBC this weekend.
Disappointed with BBC for doing this. It never should have happened
*#GaryLineker: the return of unabashed liberal dissent - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/13/the-guardian-view-on-gary-lineker-the-return-of-unabashed-liberal-dissent
#BBC chair Richard Sharp under growing pressure to quit over #GaryLineker row - https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/mar/13/bbc-chair-richard-sharp-under-growing-pressure-to-quit-over-gary-lineker-row
#BBCCorruption #ToryCorruption
#ToryCorruption #bbccorruption #GaryLineker #bbc
📺 Teraz w TV Al Jazeera: fascynująca debata w studio na temat obiektywizmu i niezależności publicznej telewizji i zasad zachowania dziennikarzy (na przykładzie kontrowersji na temat wypowiedzi Garyego Linekera): https://invidious.baczek.me/watch?v=gCNeDWCI0vo Zdecydowanie warto posłuchać!
#media #mediaPubliczne #BBC #GaryLineker #rzetelność #niezależność
#media #mediapubliczne #bbc #GaryLineker #rzetelnosc #niezaleznosc
It's good to see that #GaryLineker and the #BBC have come to an agreement and, with the cost of living crisis, it is also good to read that part of the agreement will mean a costs reduction with only 50% of the number of cameras required for each match now that the BBC has said that #MOTD will only cover the right wingers from now on.
Hitler loved sports presenters sharing HIS opinion.
#GaryLineker #thirdreich #freedomofspeechandexpression #fascismo
#fascismo #freedomofspeechandexpression #thirdreich #GaryLineker
So the BBC have backed down after suspending Gary lineker, but as apologies go, this one is full of weasel words. (Apologies to weasels for comparing them to the BBC).
#BBC #GaryLineker Gary Lineker to return as host of Match of the Day: BBC apologises for ‘confusion by grey areas’
What me reminds most of Nazi-methods is shutting down the other side's opinion.
So #GaryLineker will be back on #MOTD, while the #BBC conducts a review of its guidelines. At the weekend, I looked over the Swedish press to see how the matter was being reported. Writing in Dagens Nyheter, Erik de la Reguera posited that Lineker was ‘taking one for the team’, and closes by reflecting on a side-effect of #Brexit.
‘Gary Lineker earns his first yellow card’
#brexit #bbc #motd #GaryLineker
#GaryLineker Tweets message of support to #refugees moments after #BBC announces #apology
#apology #bbc #refugees #GaryLineker
The Daily Mail in 1938 speaking about German Jews fleeing Hitler to seek safety in Britain. We don’t even need to go to Germany to see the similar language being used today!
#UKPolitics #GaryLineker #Tories #ToriesAreScum #refugeesarewelcome
#refugeesarewelcome #toriesarescum #tories #GaryLineker #ukpolitics
That's it! I'm not watching that 'woke' Match of the Day ever again! Loony leftie Marxists! 🤣🤣🤣
Although the #DirectorGeneral is trying to put a positive spin on it, this climb down from the #BBC does seem to confirm that the #BBC has established what had been said last week, that Lineker was entirely within his contract with the #BBC. Indeed even as the #DirectorGeneral was carefully saying that #GaryLineker would comply with the current social media policy while a review was undertaken, note what Lineker was tweeting...
#GaryLineker #bbc #directorgeneral