SHOCKER: According to this DeSmog article, a years-long media blitz against heat pumps in the UK was funded by a gas lobby group.
Cue the surprise face!
(The good news is, even with the misinformation heat pumps are continuing to see double digit growth globally.)
#heat #Gas #sustainability #FossilFuels
Die #Medien sind auf einer heißen Spur!
Beim Ende der #EnergiePreisBremse wird #Strom und #Gas teurer.
#medien #Energiepreisbremse #strom #Gas
RT Zeitung Energie & Management
Projekt zum netzdienlichen Laden gestartet #mobilität #wärmewende #Energiewende #wasserstoff #Gas
#mobilität #Wärmewende #Energiewende #Wasserstoff #Gas
#SPD #FDP #DieGrünen #CO2Preis #Inflation #GAS #Miete #Strom #Lebensmittel #Spanien🤬 #LindnerRücktritt Die #Bürger sind keine #GoldScheissendenEsel ❗🤬
#SPD #fdp #diegrunen #CO2Preis #inflation #Gas #miete #strom #Lebensmittel #spanien #lindnerrucktritt #burger #goldscheissendenesel
#SPD #FDP #DieGrünen #CO2Preis #Inflation #GAS #Miete #Strom #Lebensmittel #Spanien🤬 #LindnerRücktritt
Die #Bürger sind keine #GoldScheissendenEsel❗
#SPD #fdp #diegrunen #CO2Preis #inflation #Gas #miete #strom #Lebensmittel #spanien #lindnerrucktritt #burger #goldscheissendenesel
📢 #EUEnergyPlatform call for expression of interest to join a sub-group of the Industry Advisory Group.
It will gather feedback from #gas consuming industries procuring gas for their own use, and for associations, such as gas consumers.!DwhtkP #REPowerEU
#EUEnergyPlatform #Gas #REPowerEU
Ebbene, Italia triplica l’esportazione di #gas nel 2022
Però calano i nostri consumi nazionali.
Tutto dovrebbe farci capire che l’oggi e il futuro sono #efficienzaenergetica e #rinnovabili e invece anche questo governo non molla il colpo sulle #fossili.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Greenreport: Gas, nell'ultimo anno l'Italia ha importato il 99% del metano: ecco da quali Paesi -
#Gas #efficienzaenergetica #rinnovabili #fossili
I am pleased to announce the positive results of the 2nd round of joint purchasing of #gas under the #EUEnergy platform.
We matched the most attractive offers with customer demands: 12 billion cubic meters of gas was matched, more than in the first one!
#Gas für #Heizungen ist tot. Wer jetzt aus ideologischer Verblendung noch eine neue Gasheizung einbaut und sich damit Protest für 20 bis 30 Jahre vom Gas abhängig macht, wird es bereuen. Die Heizung wird vor dem Lebensende ausgetauscht werden müssen, weil er nicht mehr mit Gas beliefert wird, oder er braucht Gastanks.
Nein. H2 wird nicht aus der Gasleitung kommen. Das Zeug ist zu teuer und die Umstellung der Gasleitungen nicht rentabel.
Above & beyond!
Today, we launch the 2nd tender for joint purchasing of #gas
We aggregated 16 bcm of gas demand. Around 1/3 more than in the 1st round, doubling the target set out by #EUCO for the whole year. Gas suppliers, this is the place to be.
Energiemonitor: Die wichtigsten Daten zur Energieversorgung – täglich aktualisiert
#Ukraine-Krieg und #Klimakrise: #Deutschland muss sich so schnell wie möglich von #Kohle, #Öl und #Gas lösen. Wie gelingt die #Energiewende? Die wichtigsten Zahlen und Grafiken
#Ukraine #klimakrise #deutschland #kohle #ol #Gas #Energiewende #pressespiegel #Erneuerbare #fedipresse #mediatao
🇬🇧|The @EU_Commission thwarts plans from #Germany to build new #gas power plants to safeguard the failed #energytransition. Construction of #CO2-neutral #nuclear reactors in #EU would be allowed while #Berlin had its own destroyed only recently. #ID
#Germany #Gas #EnergyTransition #co2 #nuclear #EU #Berlin #ID
1/3 #Climáximo We have started providing trainings for Last Winter of #Gas in different countries and would be delighted to have you all involved. As it is not a simple task to get perfect scheduling for different organisations, we have decided to have two open training of Last Winter of Gas to happen in July, both on Sundays. The first will be on the 2nd of July and second on the 16th of July.
RT Renovate Europe..Now
🏘️🏙️"#Buildings consume 40% of energy and 30% of gas in the EU - it is a sector where we haven't done enough, but is crucial to tackle #gas consumption & reduce #emissions, and a key factor of the #GreenDeal " 🍃
@MWorsdorfer at #EUSEW2023
💪#EPBD must deliver
#buildings #Gas #emissions #GreenDeal #EUSEW2023 #EPBD
#BritishColumbia #Canada In B.C.’s bone-dry northeast, what happens when #wildfires and #fracking collide?
The #DonnieCreekWildfire, the second-largest ever recorded in the province’s history, is burning in one of the world’s biggest #gas deposits, suspending fracking operations and raising questions about potential dangers to human health.
#britishcolumbia #canada #wildfires #fracking #donniecreekwildfire #Gas
@tagesschau wir möchten lösen: "Gar nicht"!
Aber gut das wir noch #Gas aus #Aserbaidschan importieren. Damit unterstützen wir einen #Angriffskrieg, #Russland, einen #Völkermord und eine #Diktatur - somit müssen wir uns emotional gar nicht umstellen! *zwinkersmiley
#Gas #Aserbaidschan #angriffskrieg #Russland #volkermord #Diktatur #Bergkarabach
Hello from Cyprus 🇨🇾, where we are visiting the #Vassiliko port area, where the works for the #CyprusGas2EU #PCI are taking place.
#CEFEnergy supports the project to allow for the transmission of #gas from the Eastern Mediterranean region.
More info 👉!j6gT4W
#Vassiliko #CyprusGas2EU #PCI #CEFEnergy #Gas