Pauline von Hellermann · @pvonhellermannn
2202 followers · 6914 posts · Server

@anuckols yes. I remember i briefly visited a village in the in in 2002 and seeing one of those ( not the same as methane itself being emitted but also bad) burning day and night, for decades, and how surreal and horrible it was, locally. Gas flaring too would be relatively easy to stop but it hasn’t been done. The political economy really is monstrous

#NigerDelta #gasflares #GasFlaring #nigeria #fossilfuel

Last updated 1 year ago

Abbie · @abbiewilliams1001
128 followers · 77 posts · Server

Gas flaring in Iraqi oil fields owned by the Iraqi government but managed by BP and partner companies is responsible for many people being diagnosed with cancer in the region.

‘Gas flaring contributes to climate change, putting an estimated 400m tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in 2021 - more than the UK's total carbon emissions for the year’

This cannot be allowed to continue, gas flaring is contributing to many deaths and is rising global carbon dioxide emissions. The intersection between the climate crisis and health cannot be clearer, it is obvious that the climate crisis is also a human rights issue and both must be solved together. This is what we mean by climate justice.

‘Insiders we spoke to estimated that improvements to reduce the flaring at Rumaila would cost in the range of $3-$5m (£2.6m-£4.4m) - a fraction of the £7bn ($8bn) quarterly record profit BP announced last week.’

This is simply not acceptable, BP can easily reduce gas flaring, saving many lives in the process but once again profit comes before people. This is evil in its finest.

We live in a bizarre world where some numbers in a bank account mean more than you.

Read more here:

#PeopleNotProfit #ClimateJustice #ClimateCrisis #GasFlaring #bp

Last updated 2 years ago