@saljyns @philosophy

that this kind of picture [ used to illustrate / ] is being widespread across and times, is referred to in 's "Bayle's Case for Spinoza" (PAS, vol. 88), citing the early secretary and later orient traveller :
"Various Indian and Persian
philosophers, Bernier observes, 'will palm you off with fine
comparisons and say that God is like an immense ocean, in
which many vials, full of water, move; that those vials, wherever
they should go, would always be in the same ocean, in the same
water; and that if they should break, the waters contained in
them would then be united to their whole, to that ocean of which
they are portions'."(p.262)

#monism #cultures #GenevièveBrykman #Gassendi #FrancoisBernier #immanentism

Last updated 2 years ago