Heute, am 17. Mai 2023, ist IDAHOBIT. An diesem internationalen Tag gegen Homo-, Bi-, Inter- und Transfeindlichkeit setzen wir ein Zeichen für ein buntes und vielfältiges #Magdeburg. Wir kämpfen dafür, dass keine*r in unserer Stadt und unserem Bundesland aufgrund der sexuellen Orientierung oder geschlechtlichen Identität Diskriminierung oder Gewalt erfährt./tm
#lgbtq🌈 #pride🌈 #rainbow🌈 #queer #queerrightsarehumanrights #gayrights #queerrights #idahobit #idahobit2023 #gegengewalt
#magdeburg #lgbtq #pride #rainbow #queer #QueerRightsAreHumanRights #GayRights #QueerRights #idahobit #idahobit2023 #gegengewalt
Disney Litigators Take Their Turn Beating The Hell Out Of Ron DeSantis With New Federal Lawsuit https://flip.it/CcOUhf #ILoveDisney #Disney #DeSantisDestroysFlorida #SayGay #SayGayFlorida #TransRights #LGBTQIA #GayRights
#ilovedisney #disney #desantisdestroysflorida #saygay #saygayflorida #transrights #lgbtqia #GayRights
Raise 🏳️🌈 the lgbtq flags for these man and clap for him 🏳️🌈.
Unless you think he's wrong ?
Ill leave the comments for the people.
#iran #IranianRevolution #iranprotests #lgbtq #GayRights #lust #islam #khomeini #imam #sheikh #sodomy #shia #rahbari
#iran #IranianRevolution #iranprotests #lgbtq #GayRights #lust #islam #khomeini #imam #sheikh #Sodomy #shia #rahbari
This is so gross:
To call this a "Beautiful bill", proves you are never about freedom. You only care about freedom for YOU, and taking away freedom of those you dont like.
#lgbtqia #Transrights #transdayofremembrance #gayrights #leftist #Davidpakman #Vaush #HasanPiker #hasan
#lgbtqia #transrights #transdayofremembrance #GayRights #leftist #davidpakman #vaush #HasanPiker #hasan
Not Kate Forbes
Never Kate Forbes
I know I’ve lost weight when judgey Parisian service workers engage me in French. #GayRights #victim #duolingo #lgbt #USA #emilyinparis
#GayRights #victim #duolingo #lgbt #usa #emilyinparis
I know I’ve lost weight when judges Parisian service workers engage me in French. #GayRights #victim #duolingo #lgbt #USA #emilyinparis
#GayRights #victim #duolingo #lgbt #usa #emilyinparis
However, it wasn’t the important news, as the Metro #Dade County Commission passed a Human Rights Ordinance to protect #GayRights the day before. The great documentary, “The Day it Snowed in #Miami,” directed by Joe Cardona, explores the fight over #gay rights in Miami. You can watch it here. https://youtu.be/seYFHXnCSo0
This has bad creepy big brother written all over it...
#Transgender #GayRights #Texas #Politics
#transgender #GayRights #texas #politics
This has bad creepy big brother written all over it...
#Transgender #GayRights #Texas #Politics
#transgender #GayRights #texas #politics
"The FIFA President's strange press conference, David Beckham's deal with Qatar and all things World Cup."
#fifa #lgbtqia #gayrights #qatar #qatar2022 #soccer #football #DavidBeckham #womensrights #humanrights #HumanRightsViolations
#womensrights #fifa #lgbtqia #GayRights #qatar #qatar2022 #soccer #football #davidbeckham #humanrights #HumanRightsViolations
"Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was caught on tape making a disgusting racist joke about black children in Ku Klux Klan outfits while hearing a supreme court case pertaining to LGBTQ rights."
#lgbtqia #GayRights #marriage #marriageequality #law #supremecourt #samuelalito #alito #racist #kkk #areyounotembarrassed #falseequivalency
#lgbtqia #GayRights #marriage #marriageequality #law #supremecourt #samuelalito #alito #racist #kkk #areyounotembarrassed #falseequivalency
I was going to reply to a hopeful post with this but I didn't want to seem like a sour puss - so
I am finding out that, at least here in the USA, if you are dependent on politicians or judges to give you your rights (like equal rights, the right to marry, the right to healthcare, the right to adopt, the right to make decisions about your body) then they can just as easily be taken away by different politicians or judges. Our rights are always in danger.
#equalrights #GayRights #womensrights
And we all know this. It’s better to do the rejecting than being rejected. Whether in crumbling romances or the Woolworth’s counter, it provides dignity to enable someone to choose whether to suffer the indignity instead of denying them that agency. It’s a pity Olson whiffed on this and Fletcher correctly stuck to the legal framework rather that the core values error by Alito. /4 #supremecourt #303 #CreativeLLC #Elenis #scotus #alito #gay #lgbt #gayrights #court
#supremecourt #creativellc #elenis #scotus #alito #gay #lgbt #GayRights #court
WAPO—Wedding websites are the latest #GayRights v #SCROTUS involved battleground in #Colorado. 🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️
The #SupremeCourt on Monday will consider whether a web designer’s refusal to be contracted to design and produce #same-sex-union wedding internet sites violates public-accommodation law.
You’ll remember the #WeWillNotBakeTHEMACake kerfuffle of yore.
#GayRights #scrotus #colorado #supremecourt #same #wewillnotbakethemacake
Your religious beliefs DO NOT give you the right to stop me from having rights and the right to marry. If you are a Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc. That means YOU have to follow your religious principles, NOT that you have any right to make everyone do so too. The US is NOT a theocracy. Go live in the Middle East if that’s what you’re seeking. #lgbtq #GayRights #news
„Andere Länder, andere Sitten“
Nein! Ich muss Hass & Intoleranz nicht akzeptieren; es bleibt objektiv falsch Homosexualität bei Strafe zu verbieten, Arbeitskräfte wie Sklaven zu behandeln oder Frauen nicht die gleichen Rechte wie Männern zuzugestehen! #WMderSchande #WM #wm2022 #Katar #quatar #quatar2022 #GayRights #womensrights #workingclass
#WMDerSchande #WM #wm2022 #Katar #quatar #quatar2022 #GayRights #womensrights #workingclass
"Never again should a World Cup be handed out solely on the basis of money and infrastructure. No country which falls short on LGBT+ rights, women's rights, workers' rights or any other universal human right should be given the honour of hosting a World Cup"
Football Supporters Association.
#QatarWorldCup2022 #lbgtq #GayRights #womansrights #Workersrights #humanrights
#QatarWorldCup2022 #lbgtq #GayRights #womansrights #workersrights #humanrights
So England and Wales men’s football teams have dropped plans to show support of #GayRights in Q*atar. What about the threat of imprisonment, or execution that gay people face in Q*tar? The threat of a 🟨 card is more important is it? Half-hearted virtue signalling, that when it has even minor consequences is dropped. Poor show. #FuQuatar #FuckFIFA🏳️🌈 #GayPride #LGBTQRights
World Cup 2022: England, Wales and others back down over armband row – live https://www.theguardian.com/football/live/2022/nov/21/world-cup-2022-armband-row-in-qatar-before-england-wales-and-us-enter-fray-live?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#GayRights #fuquatar #fuckfifa #gaypride #lgbtqrights
I am also sending my thoughts to the families of those targeted during the senseless shooting at #ClubQ, a Colorado Springs #LGBTQ nightclub. 🏳️🌈🎗️