re-recorded my GeekBeacon Fest talk[0] for Saturday afternoon[1]
title - Thank You: a note of appreciation for the FLOSS and gaming communities
#FLOSSconf #gbfest #GeekBeacon #FLOSSthanks
[0] only took 10 more tries...
[1] I will be driving a stretch of highway with no connectivity[2] Saturday, so had to make a recording :(
[2] I look forward to catching the talk recordings later
#FLOSSthanks #GeekBeacon #GBFest #flossconf
GeekBeacon Fest returns with talks on technology, mental health and self-care this Saturday
it's online with tickets via OpenCollective
#FLOSSconf #gbfest #GeekBeacon #k8s #neurodiversity #FLOSSthanks
#flossconf #GBFest #GeekBeacon #k8s #neurodiversity #FLOSSthanks
GeekBeacon Fest is this Saturday, featuring talks on technology, mental health and self-care
Kubernetes based Home Automation
Set Yourself Up For Success, ADHD Edition
Charity Care: ACA's best kept secret. Or.. crush medical bills.
Thank You: a note of appreciation for the FLOSS and gaming communities
Neurodiversity Hub
Neurodiversity + Mental Health: Finding the Right Kind of Support
#FLOSSconf #gbfest #GeekBeacon #k8s #neurodiversity #FLOSSthanks
#FLOSSthanks #neuroDiversity #K8s #GeekBeacon #GBFest #flossconf
Did you miss Linux Update yesterday? Check out this week's feature and catch up on articles you may have missed #Linux #OpenSource #Diaspora #Friendica #Mastodon #NetrunnerOS #PikaOS #SOOCon23 #Zeit #Gawk #Shell #systemd #GeekBeacon #jobs #events
#linux #opensource #diaspora #friendica #mastodon #netrunneros #pikaos #soocon23 #zeit #gawk #shell #systemd #GeekBeacon #jobs #events