A League Of Their Own 1992
#Madonna, #RosieODonnell,, #GeenaDavis,, #PennyMarshall, #LoriPetty
#loripetty #pennymarshall #GeenaDavis #rosieodonnell #madonna
2/2 🎬 @guardian re-visits "Thelma & Louise" (1991) on the occasion of its #4K restoration and release today (2 June) in the UK.
#Movies #SusanSarandon #GeenaDavis #BradPitt #HarveyKeitel #RidleyScott #90s #cinema
#cinema #90s #ridleyscott #HarveyKeitel #bradpitt #GeenaDavis #susansarandon #Movies #4k
🎬 1/2 "Thelma & Louise" (1991) has been restored in #4K and is on release from today (2 June) in the UK, France (5 July), Australia (3 August), and the US (4 August).
The new trailer is here ⤵️,
@guardian's #PeterBradshaw recaps (loves) the movie he remembers as a "feminist crime classic" and "rape-revenge film" in 2/2.
#Movies #SusanSarandon #GeenaDavis #BradPitt #RidleyScott #90s #cinema
#cinema #90s #ridleyscott #bradpitt #GeenaDavis #susansarandon #Movies #PeterBradshaw #4k
May 15 - Someone puts on / takes off stockings
The Fly (1986) #GeenaDavis #JeffGoldblum #80sMovies #HorrorMovies
#HorrorMovies #80smovies #jeffgoldblum #GeenaDavis #bales2023filmchallenge
Heute feiert Geena Davis ihren 67. Geburtstag! Ich liebe sie schon allein deshalb, weil sie gemeinsam mit Samuel L. Jackson in dem meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach großartigen „The Long Kiss Goodnight“ ein tolles Duo gebildet hat. Hach❣️ #HappyBirthday #GeenaDavis #Promis
#promis #GeenaDavis #happybirthday
#GeenaDavis Details #BillMurray’s Alleged Set Abuse, Says He Screamed at Her in Clown Costume: ‘What the F— Are You Doing? Move!’ https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/geena-davis-details-bill-murray-s-alleged-set-abuse-says-he-screamed-at-her-in-clown-costume-what-the-f-are-you-doing-move/ar-AA16gu9f
"To be polite, the things you feel and do and sat must fit in a very narrow window... and the things you are not allowed to do and sat are 'bad.' So I nearly died of politeness. I was a shy, quiet kid, except when I was feeling exuberant. But then I would be told to bring it down. I was also taller than everyone else and was told I was too big. I always dreamed of being shorter." — #GeenaDavis, recovering New Englander, in #AARP
"To be polite, the things you feel and do and sat must fit in a very narrow window... and the things you are not allowed to do and sat are 'bad.' So I nearly died of politeness. I was a shy, quiet kid, except when I was feeling exuberant. But then I would be told to bring it down. I was also taller than everyone else and was told I was too big. I always dreamed of being shorter." — #GeenaDavis, recovering New Englander, in #AARP
Modelli e topoi della donna pirata (8) https://www.carmillaonline.com/2021/08/28/modelli-e-topoi-della-donna-pirata-8/ #JolandadiVentimiglia #cinemastatunitense #cinemad’avventure #CinemaItaliano #unfilmedHammer #genderstudies #SergioSollima #donnepirate #RaquelWelch #RennyHarlin #Interventi #GeenaDavis #JoeD’Amato #AnneBonny #MaryRead #pirati
#pirati #MaryRead #AnneBonny #JoeD #GeenaDavis #interventi #RennyHarlin #RaquelWelch #donnepirate #SergioSollima #genderstudies #unfilmedHammer #cinemaitaliano #cinemad #cinemastatunitense #JolandadiVentimiglia