Meet Sprout, the new release of #GenBerry with:
- templates for: #pidp8i #pidp11 and #octoprint
- use qemu
- change root default pw
- add user
#GenBerry #pidp8i #pidp11 #octoprint #gentoo
Some big improvements on #GenBerry. Now you can use qemu to create very specific #gentoo images for the #raspberrypi familly. This allow me to introduce a template system in it. As an example, i made a #pidp11 template.
The wiki:
#GenBerry #gentoo #raspberrypi #pidp11
Seed: the first release (v1.1) of #GenBerry can handle #raspberrypi Zero, ZeroW, 1B, 2B, 3B, 3B+ and 4B in both 64 and 32 bits and install #gentoo onto it or build an image file or a tarball. It also allow you to communicate via usb tethering, serial.
#GenBerry #raspberrypi #gentoo
Some news from #GenBerry: now you can use it for: Raspberry Pi 0, 0W 1B, 2B, 3B, 3B+ and 4B in 32 or 64 bit version. (64 bits only available on 3+ models of course)
There is also the possibility to enable serial console (uart).
#gentoo #raspberrypi
#GenBerry #gentoo #raspberrypi
Still a lot of work to do, but the first result are here :)
#GenBerry actually will help you to simply generate basic @gentoo image for #raspberrypi 1, 2 3 and 4 families in 32 or 64 bit. Just a minimal stage4. Hope you'll find it useful 😃