RT Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC)
Učesnici omladinske akademije #StanjeMira će kroz dvosedmični program posjetiti 4⃣ grada u 🇧🇦 i preko 2⃣0⃣ istorijskih i turističkih lokaliteta. Prijave su otvorene > https://tinyurl.com/bdhs59fu
Akademija je program @eubih koji se u saradnji sa @PCRCBiH oslanja na program #GenChange
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PCRCBiH/status/1689260444291158017
RT Johann Sattler
Use this opportunity to create new friendships and spend last days of summer at EU’s youth academy #StateOfPeace.
#DontMiss - Applications close soon!
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Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC): Učesnici omladinske akademije #StanjeMira će kroz dvosedmični program posjetiti 4⃣ grada u 🇧🇦 i preko 2⃣0⃣ istorijskih i turističkih lokaliteta. Prijave su otvorene > https://tinyurl.com/bdhs59fu
Akademija je program @eubih koji se u saradnji sa @PCRCBiH oslanja na program #GenChange
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/josattler/status/1689925985712693249
#StateOfPeace #DontMiss #StanjeMira #GenChange
RT Johann Sattler
Please watch this video!
#GenChange journey throughout 🇧🇦 where I met over 700 students, ends with this masterwork by participants from Sarajevo&Mostar. It tells a beautiful story about Bosnia and Hercegovina, its people & traditions.
Safe travels to Brussels to the winners!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/josattler/status/1687423463701536768
RT Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC)
🔊 @eubih u partnerstvu s @PCRCBiH organizuje cross-country Omladinsku akademiju ,,Stanje mira” za mlade iz 🇧🇦🇷🇸🇭🇷🇲🇪 s više od 15 aktivnosti na 4 lokacije u BiH!
Troškove učešća pokrivaju organizatori, a rok za prijavu je 11.8.
▶️ https://balkandiskurs.com/2023/08/04/poziv-za-prijave-ljetna-akademija/ #GenChange #TeamEurope
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PCRCBiH/status/1687428608065683456
What can BiH contribute to the EU?
Coming up with ideas and scripts for videos on this subject was the task of five mixed teams of students from across BiH as part of the EU's #GenChange project.
The results are truly impressive! 🇪🇺🇧🇦👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1680525925446742017
RT @josattler: Delighted to have met most of the participants in our #GenChange programme for students in person during lively debates across BiH.
Best of luck to all teams taking part in the video competition following the #MediaBootCamp! 🇪🇺🇧🇦 https://t.co/E3mqQhVL2k
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1663294968235012097
Nova prijateljstva, vještine i iskustva obilježila su #GenChange #MediaBootCamp! 💬
40 studenata sa univerziteta iz Sarajeva, Mostara, Banjaluke, Zenice, Istočnog Sarajeva, Bihaća i Tuzle 🇧🇦 završili su trening i počeli su sa snimanjem svojih videa 🎬
🔜 donosimo rezultate!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1663192844863930370
Posljednja stanica na #GenChange putovanju u #BiH je #BanjaLuka! 📍
Družimo se sa studentima @UniverzitetBL i razgovaramo o poduzetničkim izazovima sa kojim se mladi suočavaju ukoliko se odluče za pokretanje biznisa!
📍 28/4, 11:00, @ Ekonomski fakultet 🎓
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1651132762827489281
#GenChange panel diskusije stižu u #Bihać!
💬 Mladi profesionalci i preduzetnici, kao i studenti razgovarat će o temi "Mladi bh. expati i njihova supermoć: Pokretanje ekonomskog rasta".
📍 Vidimo se 13.4. u 13:00 na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Bihaću #UNBI!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1645730463787503616
RT @josattler: 🙏 to students of Tuzla Uni, @jostromquist, activists M. Biković & A. Bečić for today's lively #GenChange discussion on human rights!
Human & fundamental rights are the foundation stone of the EU. We will continue to push to strengthen them in #BiH. 🇪🇺🇧🇦
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1633844887107010561
O važnosti aktivizma i zaštiti ljudskih prava danas smo razgovarali sa studentima Pravnog fakulteta u #Tuzla.
Odlična diskusija, inspirativni sagovornici i proaktivni studenti obilježili su današnje druženje u sklopu 🇪🇺 projekta #GenChange.
@jostromquist @CatPatrola
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1633828949552951296
RT @josattler: 🙏 to students of Tuzla Uni, @jostromquist, activists M. Biković & A. Bečić for today's lively #GenChange discussion on human rights!
Human & fundamental rights are the foundation stone of the EU. We will continue to push to strengthen them in #BiH. 🇪🇺🇧🇦
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_near/status/1633842777023971333
#GenChange diskusije nastavljamo sutra u #Tuzla!
O aktivizmu i borbi za ljudska prava kao full-time poslu razgovaramo sa studentima Pravnog fakulteta #UNTZ 🎓
Svoja znanja i iskustva će podijeliti i mladi aktivisti i stručnjaci, te predstavnici 🇪🇺 i država članica.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1633397529877389315
#GenChange #Tuzla #UNTZ #StayTuned
RT @josattler: Great discussion with students from Universities of Sarajevo & Istočno Sarajevo on how to make #culturaltourism an engine of economic development in #BiH!
🙏 dean @J_Selimovic for hosting and @BelgiumBiH, @28th_sff and @bazerdzan for joining!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1633136390039916544
#CulturalTourism #BiH #GenChange
Koliko su važne veze između kulture, turizma i ekonomije❓
Studenti #UNSA i @uis_is te mladi eksperti govorili su u #Sarajevo o svojim idejama kako kulturni turizam učiniti pokretačem ekon. rasta u 🇧🇦.
ℹ http://europa.ba/?p=76919
@28th_sff @bazerdzan @BelgiumBiH #GenChange
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1633127114705600513
Naredna #GenChange stanica je #Sarajevo❗️
Sa studentima #UNSA i @uis_is razgovaramo o uticaju kulturnog turizma na ekonomski rast i razvoj 📈
Naši sagovornici su mladi profesionalci iz sfere kulture i turizma, kao i predstavnici 🇪🇺 i država članica.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1632671915193036800
#GenChange #Sarajevo #UNSA #StayTuned
Kako možemo doprinijeti zelenijoj ♻️ i zdravijoj budućnosti❓
Danas u #Zenica smo o tome razgovarali sa studentima, mladim aktivistima i ekspertima koji su podijelili svoje ideje i iskustva 💡
ℹ http://europa.ba/?p=76877
#GenChange #GenChangers
#UNZE @letsdoitbih @EmbEspanaByH
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1630581530803281924
#Zenica #GenChange #GenChangers #UNZE
RT @josattler: 🙏 #Zenica University & Rector Duraković for warm welcome & to all students, activists, experts for joining our discussion on #greenfuture!
I am confident that 🇧🇦's young bright minds can help this country progress on #green transition. #GenChange @EmbEspanaByH
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1630574826195697666
#Zenica #greenfuture #green #GenChange
#GenChange kicks off in #Zenica! 📢
We will talk about #greenfuture, #EU & #BiH, share opinions & experiences & create new friendships.
🗓 28/2/2023, 11:30 🕦
📍 Faculty of Metallurgy & Technology, UNZE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1628712784090341377
#GenChange #Zenica #greenfuture #EU #BiH
#GenChangers are you ready!?
📢 Over the next 2️⃣ months we will meet inspiring young people and discuss issues that matter at 🇧🇦's 8⃣ public universities.
Students will also be able to take part in a competition! The prize? A visit to #Brussels!
More 🔜 #GenChange
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1626535672843468801
#GenChangers #Brussels #GenChange