Robin Bertram · @robin
26 followers · 288 posts · Server

@kkarhan @mkj

Do you have a source or some context about the and the password?

I have always (=since snowden) thought, that 90 bits of real entropy is enough for my needs.
Of cause I have to be careful and generate my passwords from a good random number generator (for example real dice).

Here is a picture with different password lengths and their maximum entropy - and how many years it would take to brute force them.


Last updated 1 year ago


🚨 La Section de Recherches de Rouen cherche à identifier la victime d’un homicide, commis le 09 mars 2022, au nord d’Évreux [Eure] en Normandie...


#GendarmerieNationale #appelatemoins

Last updated 2 years ago