Are you a pharmacist who is looking to expand your knowledge about gender affirming care, or make your practice environment more inclusive to transgender and gender diverse people? Check out my article in American Pharmacists Association's Pharmacy Today magazine!
#pharmacy #pharmacist #MedMastodon #MastoRx #lgbtq #transgender #trans #Genderaffirmingcare #ce
#pharmacy #pharmacist #MedMastodon #mastorx #lgbtq #transgender #trans #GenderAffirmingCare #ce
Let me reintroduce myself. I am a #queer #trans #nonbinary #nurse and #mastersstudent.
I am interested in #genderaffirmingcare, #transhealth, #queerhealth, #mentalhealth, #housing, #harmreduction, #healthequity,
#intersectionality, #antiracism, #antioppression, #decolonizing, #amplifying, #selfreflecting, #humility, #authenticity, and #safety.
I am figuring out this platform, and likely will be forever...
#queer #trans #nonbinary #nurse #mastersstudent #GenderAffirmingCare #TransHealth #queerhealth #mentalhealth #housing #harmreduction #HealthEquity #intersectionality #antiracism #antioppression #Decolonizing #amplifying #selfreflecting #humility #authenticity #safety
I taught pharmacotherapy on #GenderAffirmingCare today at my alma mater, KU School of Pharmacy. I feel very proud that today I got to be the person who my younger self needed to see in school; an out, proud, trans pharmacist.
Institutions, let’s keep this up. Keep supporting your #transgender professionals. You can’t let the narrative of violence prevail. Take concerns seriously and push back instead of silence. #pharmacy #Tooterx
#GenderAffirmingCare #transgender #pharmacy #TooteRx
Tell me you don't care about #kids without telling me you don't care about kids 😔
Tomorrow #vote #votekids #pediatrics #LGBTQ #GenderAffirmingCare #children #EBM
#kids #Vote #votekids #pediatrics #lgbtq #GenderAffirmingCare #children #ebm