En la Semana Europea de la Igualdad del @europarl_en #GenderEqualityweek con
@salazar_octavio @CIAMS_Coalition Marie Josephe Devilliers, @ENoMW Anna Zobnina, mi compañero @Ibangarciadb y el apoyo de @Socialistas_PE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/linagalvezmunoz/status/1643552270741561352
👩🏻👱🏼♂️ Europski parlament održava svoj treći Europski tjedan rodne ravnopravnosti.
Saznajte kako se EU i Parlament bore za prava žena i rodnu ravnopravnost na poslu, u politici i drugim područjima ➡️ http://eptwitter.eu/q9x6
#tjedanrodneravnopravnosti #genderequalityweek
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_HR/status/1585285133602619393
#tjedanrodneravnopravnosti #GenderEqualityWeek
RT @WorkersEESC: 'We must be vigilant as life is getting tougher. Gender equality advances at a snail's pace and we must ensure it does not backtrack. The EP bringing forward ambitious files on this is an important step'
#EESCplenary #GenderEqualityWeek
Enriquecedor intercambio de opiniones y proyectos sobre la economía social y solidaria, de mujeres y medio ambiente del otro lado del Mediterráneo, de Marruecos, en la Semana de la Igualdad de Género #GenderEqualityWeek en el @europarl_en @ACPPasamblea
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/linagalvezmunoz/status/1585239724377051136
All this talk on how young use the internet to access Sexual Education and porn, makes me think of the fact the internet is for sharing cats... and porn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTJvdGcb7Fs #GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #AvenueQ
#GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #AvenueQ
I appreciate the point made by @ippfen representative @Kostovskid that not all porn is abusive, based on trafficking and based on stereotypes. There is also ethical porn and queer porn. #GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
#GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
The representatives of Spoločnosť pre plánované rodičovstvo - Slovak Family Planning Association underlined how platforms make online education and communication about the female body difficult as they keep taking content and accounts down
#GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
#GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
The representatives of Spoločnosť pre plánované rodičovstvo - Slovak Family Planning Association underlined how platforms make online education and communication about the female body difficult as they keep taking content and accounts down
#GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
#GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
Online information is important for our youth especially for our young queers is underlined by @ippfen representative @Kostovskid and that education needs to be sexpositive and not just about STIs and dangers #GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
#GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
We also all need a better understanding of how the female body works. Because how many of us have an understanding of what a clitoris is? Where is it? Is it internal and external? How similar is it to a penis? #GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
#GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
We all need to be allowed to be ourselves as we are without hiding our feelings or desires. If not it will show up in our statistics of depression, poor health and violence amongst our boys and men. #GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
#GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
We cannot have gender equality unless all genders have access to knowledge about their bodies, sex and their own rights. #GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
#GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
Story presented by Spoločnosť pre plánované rodičovstvo - Slovak Family Planning Association of a boy growing up in Slovakia is not unique to Slovakia. This is a story that can be told of men and boys across Europe and across the world. #GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
#GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR #BoysEducation
By fighting gender stereotypes and promoting facts and knowledge, then we can help stop gender based violence, and secure respect for our bodies and our health. #GenderEqualityWeek #SRHR
Today as part of the #GenderEqualityWeek, @EP_GenderEqual hosts Hearing on Sexuality and relationships education of boys and shaping attitudes in order to fight gender based violence, gender stereotypes and securing respect for SRHR
Starting soon in @EP_Trade
Discussion "Gender and trade"
Join us live ▶️https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/webstreaming/committee-on-international-trade_20221025-1500-COMMITTEE-INTA
RT @berndlange: Also @EP_Trade is again part of Gender Equality Week
Will discuss tomorrow afternoon "Gender and trade"
Looking forward discussing with
@GeaMeijers @FeministWIDE+
@KarenKennedyTCS @canada2EU and
Anoush der Bo…
It's #GenderEqualityWeek in @europarl_en
This morning MEPs received a presentation from @eige_eu on the results of their Gender Equality Index but focusing particularly on Care and the role of women 🇪🇺🫂
So what did they have to say?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/FitzgeraldFrncs/status/1584878834226458624
En la jornada sobre Vientres de Alquiler con reflexiones desde la perspectiva jurídica del catedrático de Constitucional @salazar_octavio Marie-Josèphe Devillers @CIAMS_Coalition Ana Zobnina @ENoMW organizadas junto a @Ibangarciadb y @Socialistas_PE
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/linagalvezmunoz/status/1584847437768069121
Con motivo de la #GenderEqualityWeek y el #EuropeanDayOfJustice, organizo con mi compañero @Ibangarciadb en el @europarl_en una sesión sobre la gestación subrogada en el contexto de la violencia contra la mujer y las consecuencias legales de un posible regulación a nivel europeo.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/linagalvezmunoz/status/1584817106196914176
#GenderEqualityWeek #EuropeanDayOfJustice
Det er #GenderEqualityWeek i Europa-Parlamentet!
Kvinder i hele verden kæmper stadig for ligestilling. I denne uge afholder Parlamentet en række debatter om emnet.
Se med ⬇ #eudk
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Europarl_DK/status/1584779034424123395