Complaining about #genderswap or #raceswap in movies/series alleging unoriginality is, essentially, dehumanizing anybody who's not a cishet white man.
Complaining about #genderswap #raceswap in movies/series alleging unoriginality is, essentially, dehumanizing racialised people and women.
#fic #rec
Good, Good
✍️ by mimilamp
👌 #TheUntamed, #WangXian
👌 #ModernAU, #GenderSwap
👌 14k, #RatedExplicit
👌 #WeiYing has two broken wrists thanks to a motorcycle accident
👌 #LanZhan takes care of her
👌 Poor WY can't touch herself & is frustrated
👌 This is a problem that LZ has been aching to fix for a long time
👌 The smut, you guys, it is out of this world
👌 The feelings are intense
👌 The tiny descriptive details that make it feel so real 😍
#fic #rec #theuntamed #wangxian #ModernAU #GenderSwap #RatedExplicit #WeiYing #LanZhan