🎬 📷 I saw "Bonnie and Clyde" alone one day in 1969 while Mom, Granny and my sisters shopped at Roses and Sky City. I'd begged off to a movie in the shopping center, and the kid in the ticket booth gave zero fucks that I was maybe too young to watch an "R" rated movies. It was half a double-feature with "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly."
Tonight I remembered thinking #GeneHackman and #WarrenBeatty's characters might like either other—special. I felt guilty and ashamed even having that thought.
Bat*21 (1988)
The second of, what I describe as, Gene Hackman’s Missing in Action trilogy following Uncommon Valour.
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #Bat*21 #ClaytonRohner #DannyGlover #DavidMarshallGrant #ErichAnderson #GeneHackman #JerryReed #PeterMarkle #UncommonValour
#uncommonvalour #petermarkle #jerryreed #GeneHackman #erichanderson #davidmarshallgrant #dannyglover #claytonrohner #bat #reviews #moviestuffs
“I was trained to be an actor, not a star.”
#GeneHackman is 93 today.
#BornOnThisDay #ClassicFilm #TheFrenchConnection #1970s #FilmMastodon
#FilmMastodon #1970s #thefrenchconnection #classicfilm #bornonthisday #GeneHackman
Uncommon Valour (1983)
There is no shortage of missing in action prisoner of war movies from the 80’s, however, featuring a terrific cast and a director of note Uncommon Valour is far from your typical ‘Nam action.
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #FredWard #GeneHackman #HaroldSylvester #PatrickSwayze #RebBrown #TedKotcheff #TexCobb #TimThomerson #UncommonValour
#uncommonvalour #timthomerson #texcobb #TedKotcheff #rebbrown #patrickswayze #haroldsylvester #GeneHackman #fredward #reviews #moviestuffs
Le Maître du jeu
Un pont trop loin
L'Aventure du Poséidon
French Connection
Mississippi Burning
Conversation secrète
il y aurait eu des trucs à dire sur les fascistes et la milice aujourd'hui mais détendons nous avec Gene Hackman né le 30 janvier 1930
Avec lequel de ses films préférez vous vous détendre un peu ce week end ?
#GeneHackman #bonjourfediverse