Live review: The Beat, Bow Wow Wow, Guildford! | Punktuation!
#music #LiveMusic #punk #PostPunk #TheBeat #BowWowWow #Guildford #GeneralPublic
#GeneralPublic #guildford #bowwowwow #thebeat #postpunk #punk #livemusic #music
Not finished Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything or Kohei Saito's 人新世の資本論 but got wrapped up in #EnoughIsEnough. It keeps making me think of earlier work by #MichaelAlbert with #ParEcon #ParticipatoryEconomics, and even earlier writings by #BertrandRussel, #MortalsAndOthers. Back in 1933 we knew economists were morons:
"Economists were driven to abandon this.. ground by the indignation of the #GeneralPublic. "
but then we forgot and in 2011 students protest #Mankiw?
#Mankiw #GeneralPublic #MortalsAndOthers #bertrandrussel #participatoryeconomics #parecon #MichaelAlbert #enoughisenough