Algun dia es destaparà que la campanya abstencionista que molts independentististes estan seguint en aquestes eleccions, va ser una maniobra de guerra bruta de l'Estat Espanyol.
#23J #Eleccions23J #Generals #Eleccions
#23j #eleccions23j #Generals #eleccions
A les properes eleccions generals #23J el vot útil a comarques de gironines per frenar VOX és la CUP. El darrer diputat de la circumscripció està entre VOX i la CUP.
#Girona #Generals #Eleccions #Eleccions23J #EleccionsGenerals #CUP #VOX #VotÚtil
#23j #girona #Generals #eleccions #eleccions23j #eleccionsgenerals #cup #vox #VotÚtil
NRA investigation: New York Supreme Court dismisses NRA`s attempt to halt state attorney general`s probe into the organization - CNNPolitics #investigation #york #supreme #court #dismisses #nras #attempt #halt #attorney #generals #probe #into #organization #cnnpolitics #11giugno
#11Giugno #cnnpolitics #organization #into #probe #Generals #attorney #Halt #attempt #nras #dismisses #court #supreme #york #investigation
The attorney general’s office was worthy of respect. Suella the stooge disgraces it | Nick Cohen | The Guardian #attorney #generals #office #worthy #respect #suella #stooge #disgraces #nick #cohen #guardian #14maggio
#14maggio #guardian #cohen #nick #disgraces #stooge #suella #respect #worthy #office #Generals #attorney
Russian Soldiers in Ukraine Rebel Against Their Generals #Russia #RussiaUkraineWar #Russiansoldiers #Generals #NATO #VolodymyrZelensky
#volodymyrzelensky #nato #Generals #Russiansoldiers #russiaukrainewar #russia
Under the supervision of the allies, #Nazi_politicians, #Generals and #Judges - who played a role in the #extermination of 6 #million #Jews - started to be incorporated into the new West German state.
#jews #million #extermination #judges #Generals #Nazi_politicians
#International_Tech_News | #Germanys #Denazification That #Never_Happened?
There is a history of connections between #extreme_right activities and the #German_State, going right back to the #creation of #West_Germany.
Under the supervision of the allies, #Nazi_politicians, #Generals and #Judges - who played a role in the #extermination of 6 #million #Jews - started to be incorporated into the new West German state.
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners..
#jews #million #extermination #judges #Generals #Nazi_politicians #West_Germany #creation #German_State #extreme_right #Never_Happened #Denazification #Germanys #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS