#Liberals have lost the #SupremeCourt for a #generation. Brennan argued that state courts had ability to blunt many of #SCOTUS worst recent decisions by ruling that #stateconstitutions and other #statelaws provided more #protections than the high court was willing to offer under #federal #law. Despite awesome power, state courts rarely exercised it. So Brennan asked state judges to protect the people of our nation from governmental intrusions on their freedoms.” https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/07/liberals-should-use-state-courts-to-check-the-supreme-court.html
#liberals #supremecourt #Generation #SCOTUS #stateconstitutions #statelaws #protections #federal #law
Curtailing #AffirmativeAction Is a Blow Against a Rising #Generation. The #gap between a more #diverse America and less diverse #elite #colleges will only grow. By Ronald Brownstein https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/06/scotus-affirmative-action-students-for-fair-admissions/674555/ #SCOTUS #HigherEducation #equity #education #diversity #affluence #status #legacy
#affirmativeaction #Generation #gap #diverse #elite #colleges #SCOTUS #highereducation #equity #Education #diversity #affluence #status #legacy
As the #third #generation of the #ambani parivar "arrives", my take on #mukeshambani and his succession plans.
Rather than following the late #family #patriarch, #dhirubhai, the focus now seems to be an "orderly" transition and a "smooth" #inheritance transfer, avoiding the internecine attrition, as was the case between the #ambani #brothers.
#third #Generation #ambani #mukeshambani #family #patriarch #dhirubhai #inheritance #brothers
"Nearly 50M Americans are under winter storm warnings, watches advisories - a number of them could find themselves blanketed by blizzard warnings before long. Anticipated storm system will explosively strengthen at a rate sufficient to qualify it as a #bombcyclone which is most intense breed of mid-latitude storms...Buffalo Weather Service calling it a “once in a generation” storm system." #ClimateCrisis we do not have a #generation to wait for #action https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2022/12/20/blizzard-bomb-cyclone-cold-storm/
#bombcyclone #ClimateCrisis #Generation #action
From #MyGridGB.co.uk: “#Britain's #electricity mix over last 12 months approximately:
#nuclear 16.8% #Gas 39.9% #coal 1.6%
#wind 22.7% #solar 4.3% #hydro 1.3%
#biomass 6.8% #import 6.0% #Storage 0.7%
#Generation 267TWh
#carbon #intensity 238 gCO2e/kWh
vs a #Target of 50-100 gCO2eq/kWh by 2030”
#MyGridGB #britain #electricity #nuclear #Gas #coal #wind #solar #hydro #biomass #import #storage #Generation #carbon #intensity #Target
Selamat mengundi semua.
Yg menang, selamat manjalankan tugas dgn adil.
Yg kalah, jadi lah pembangkang yang tegas dan berilmu.
Aku dah 3x mengundi, masuk ni dah 4x lah.
Suasana sedikit berubah. Tak semeriah dulu.
Mungkin kesan dari Covid-19 masih berbekas.
Kepada pemgundi pertama kali, buatlah pilihan yg bernas. Sebabnya, kalau silap memilih, merana lah 5 tahun.
Apa pun yg terjadi, hidup mesti diteruskan.
#malaysiamemilih #pru15 #pilihanraya #voteforfuture #generation #voteformalaysia #15
#malaysiamemilih #pru15 #pilihanraya #voteforfuture #Generation #voteformalaysia